Chapter 16 : 𝙋𝙧𝙤𝙛𝙚𝙨𝙨𝙤𝙧 𝙌𝙪𝙞𝙧𝙧𝙚𝙡𝙡

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Y/n P.O.V.

It was Saturday October 26, 1991. It means its free time. I can wear anything right now. I'm wearing that uncle Howard brought me last week. It was a sweater made by him.

 It was a sweater made by him

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(Not my own pic.)

It's really surprising though that he can made it by himself since he never told me, and I didn't even seen him making a clothes one. And also I still wearing the anting-anting that Grandma Helen gave it to me, and since then, I never take it off.

Right now. I was wondering by my own. It was peaceful actual, wondering by myself as I analyze the Castle how admiring to staring at. I hope no one gonna interrupt my peaceful walk—.

"Mr-Ms. Adlawan."

Okay. I take it back what I said. It wasn't peaceful now.

I turned around who called me, but then I sudden strong smells of garlic making me wanted to throwing myself in the window. It was Professor Quirrell who's wearing a turban just hiding his master underneath on his back of his bald head.

That damn bald. Did he take a bath or a shower? It was really getting strong smells each day. And also, I was kinda surprise me that he called me. And also... Did he almost called me mr.?

"Do you need something, Professor?" I asked him politely as I gave him a fake smile.

I only hate his stutter consider I can't even understand him what his saying whatever he talks in his British accent making I ending up asking to Hermione or my guardians for translation.

Professor Quirrell was holding some scrolls and a too many books on his hands. It was obviously he was weak in physical as I can see his legs was a little bit trembling the way he walks.

Why he can used something levitation charm since he can do wandless magic anyway?

'I think he trying to pretend to be a weak so they can't easily detect that his the one soon will steal the philosopher stone.' I heard murmur from Orpheus in my thoughts as mentally nod in understanding.

Smart but dumb at the same time even his ravenclaw like me.

His stutter was making bit obvious, but I think no one or everyone notice he was bit suspicious. Welp. He can't out smarter at me anyway.

"C-Can y-you h-help me t-to carry t-this?" He asked with his fake stutter making wanted him to urge kick his ass.

"Of course, Professor." I replied innocent.

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