Chapter 22: 𝑀𝑖𝑟𝑟𝑜𝑟 𝐸𝑟𝑖𝑠𝑒𝑑

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(A/n: Sorry for late published new chapter. I hope you guys like it. ️📜✨✒️ )

Y/n P.O.V.

As Harry and Ron wasn't around. I was starting preparing myself, wearing some warm jackets for a winter that has charm on it and as I'm putting with some gloves on.

I was secretly starting to take out underneath in bed that I was sleeping, as I wrapped around my leg ankle, it was an iron sand bag in underneath at my jogging pants.

It was only 3k gram, since I've been wearing 2k gram, last year all day, (yes, I've always wearing, whatever if I'm walking or doing run up and down stairs not skipping my routine.) only taking off when I start to sleep or taking a bath. So it was easier for me wearing a 3 kilo gram right now.

Since, I'm wearing jogging pants, they won't easily notice it anyway.

'Don't judge me, even though I'm a girl who was just lacked in physical in first reincarnation, I really need too. I know you will do the same thing what I did. I'm just preparing for future war events.'

'Anyway... Why am I talking to myself again? Hah... As if someone is listening to me except Orpheus and Morgen.' I thought myself nonsense as I shook my head.

Now fast-forward.

We came down at the Gryffindor tower as we were heading to the great hall. As we came in, we saw mostly Gryffindor and a few familiars whose Hufflepuff who were included in the list of students who would be staying here during the holidays.

I saw surprisingly the prefect's; Gemma (slytherin), and Gabriel (hufflepuff), who's enjoying each other's company, making myself smile at the sight. It was kind of refreshing I see some other house hangout each other even in holidays.

I sat down the table as I saw where stacks of wizard crackers every few feet, a hundred fat roast turkeys, a mountain of roast and boiling potatoes (again), platters of fat chocolates, tureens of buttered peas and much foods that was unfamiliar to me.

I just kept wondering myself around a bit, then I saw harry and Fred that they pulled a wizard cracker, and instead of just banging.

It went off with a cannon-like kaboom, making myself surprise at the sound as engulfing everyone in a cloud of blue smoke as a rear admiral's hat and numerous live, white mice exploded from the inside.

I was starting to stare at the high tables, the professors in the sitting in. Dumbledore had changed from his pointed wizard hat to a flowery bonnet and was giggling joyfully as professor flitwick read him a joke up at the high table.

'Okay, that's suits him.' I thought in amused.

After the turkey that I've eating so far, there was a flaming Christmas puddings making to think myself.

How am I supposed to eat those?

Currently, I am being sitting next to Percy, I saw a silver sickle that was stuck in Percy's slice. I was to grab it, but Percy saw me as he thought I was about to take his slice, make he immediately took as he ate, making Percy almost chipped his teeth.

I laughed at what I witnessed with my own eyes.

Well- I feel sorry for him.

"Damn, Percy. I was only about taking it off the sickle that was stuck on the slice, jeez." I replied in amused.

Percy looks at me with annoyance plastered in his face, "I thought you were going to take my food away. Next time try to be clear with your intentions." He says before rolling his eyes at me.

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