Chapter 30 : тнe cenтaυr

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Third P.O.V.

Y/n's constant banter had managed to ease the tension just a bit, though the situation was still as dangerous as ever.

Hagrid, on the other hand, had silently readied his crossbow, aiming it at the mysterious figure. The sound of the arrow being loaded into the crossbow. A short while later, the sound vanished as Hagrid squinted up the dim road.

After that, they all now slowly emerge from their hiding spots.

"I knew it," hageid muttered. "There's summat in here that shouldn' be."

"A werewolf?" Harry asked.

Y/n looks towards Harry as if he was an idiot not see the obvious.

Y/n P.O.V.

"A werewolf? Really, Harry?" I drawled, unable to hide my amusement. "With a hoodie on? That definitely seems likely."

Hermione shot me a warning look, silently telling me to take things more seriously.

"Besides," I continued, "I doubt a werewolf would waste its precious time drinking unicorn blood. Seems like a pretty inefficient meal, don't you think?"

Harry shot me a mix amused and sheepish look, realizing his mistake. Draco, on the other hand, was growing increasingly paranoid. "Then what the hell is it?" he whispered loudly.

"Your guess is as good as mine," I replied, my voice dripping with sarcasm. "Could be a vampire, a zombie, or even just a really creepy bloke in a hoodie."

'Professor Quirell it is.' I thought before I mentally roll my eyes.

'You really having beef with that young man.' I heard Orpheus reply in amused in my thoughts as I heard Morgen was laughing.

'I do..' I thought.

At that moment, the sound of rustling leaves behind us made us all freeze in our tracks. We slowly turned around to see another dark figure moving between the trees, heading directly towards us.

"Wait a minute..." I muttered, my eyes widening with realization. "Is that...a centaur?"

The figure approaching us had the body of a horse and the torso of a man, with flowing blonde hair trailing down its back. It was unmistakably a centaur.

Actually, I secretly thanked the universe for making me a lesbian. That centaur was the epitome of male beauty. If I were straight, I might have shamelessly stared at him, like my old friend often did. I forget their name.

Of course, exceptional my uncle, his handsome like me.

Hagrid breathed a sigh of relief as he recognized the approaching figure. "Aye, it's Firenze," he declared, lowering his crossbow.

Firenze, the regal and imposing centaur, halted a few feet away from us, his sharp eyes scanning our group. The tension in the air seemed to ease slightly with his presence.

"Hagrid," Firenze spoke, his voice deep and melodic. "In the dark woods, you should not tread, young ones; danger lies ahead. Stay within the safety of the light and avoid the shadows of the night."

Hagrid scratched his beard, looking rather abashed. "Well, we didn't mean to wander this far, yeh see. Just tracking those unicorns that been attacked..."

Firenze nodded, his expression becoming more serious. "Indeed, the unicorns and their fate are in my knowledge. Sacred creatures they are, and the shedding of their blood a tragedy in truth."

Then he looks it up the sky, "mars is bright tonight." He said in cryptic tone as always.

I glanced up at the sky, following Firenze's gaze. The stars were indeed unusually bright, their twinkling lights dancing in the expansive darkness overhead.

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