Second P.O.V.
"Hey wake up Y/n!" You heard Edward waking you up.
"I'm up! I'm up!" You said while yawning and stretch yourself up.
"Man.. I'm hungry." Edward said in bored face.
"Don't worry, we're here now." It was now Hermione respond with excited written on her face making you grinned widely at her.
'Heh.. Cute. She really is look like Emma Watson, and at the same time, she wasn't really Emma Watson.' You thought in realization.
The train slowed down, and finally stopped. It was a bit cold night. You hop off the train soon after Hermione and Edward, considered that early, people started to push their way towards the door and onto dark platform.
You inhale a bit before exhale while stare and admire the stars could be seen.
'I felt so young.' You thought while grinned making show your fangs.
"First year! This way, please! Come on now, don't be shy! Hurry up!"
You got snap in reality when you heard shout from hagrid making you turned to see him, when you saw them, harry and hagrid are talking each other while ron stick to harry.
"Oi! Let's go." You told Edward and Hermione.
"Sure! Let's stick together." Edward says making you both nodded each other.
You, Edward and Hermione stick together while you guys start to walk up to hagrid as well, not just far away behind of harry and Ron.
"Right, then. This way to the boats. Come on now, follow me!" He waves his hand over.
First year now follow right after him, as he leads you all to a bunch of boats on a large lake. You, Edward and Hermione sit down next to each other in front of the boats, then suddenly someone came to sit next to Edward, a unfamiliar face, Edward gave them a childish grinned while the person do the same.
"Psst Y/n." You heard to Edward.
"Oh?" You asked while accidentally making your habit.
"Imagine there is a giant kraken under our a boat." He joke but still he was curious about it.
"Ah.." you said while you start see the lake. It's quite dark, but because your curiosity, you about to lean more until hermione grab your shoulder.
"Don't be an idiot! You shouldn't do that!" She said with a bossy tone but she have written worry on her face.
"It's fine mione, I can swim." You said casual.
'Technically not.' Orpheus joke.
'Hey! I can swim!' You thought while you feel eye rolled from him making you snort.
'Like a dog.'
'Rude. I'm professional swimmer-'
"Everyone in?" Hagrid shout making you thought back to reality. You saw him he have a boat himself.
"Right then, FORWARD!"
You bit surprised as the boat starts moving its own, as well as Hermione too. Edward start laugh a bit when he both saw you making surprised face, making you sassy eye roll at him.
"By the way, your named?" You asked in friendly tone to the unfamiliar person who has a red hair. You even more surprising that this person was certainly no weasley.
He smiled "I'm Eugene Lukariah G. Ehgan, nice to meet you all." He said with a polite tone. When you about to introduce yourself, Edward butt in.
"Well I'm Edward Arcturus McCalister. Nice too meet you Eugene." He said while shake his hand.

The Extra || H.P. fan fiction
FanfictionVarious Harry Potter (girls) x Modern! fem reader *Warning⚠️ • Grammatical error • Foul language • All I published with pictures came from Pinterest (mostly) • Dark Humors • Death Mentioned • Blood mentioned • Slow update And might be possibly other...