Chapter 1

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"You need to give me that pasta, pleaaaase!!"

Teruki sigh when he heard that familiar voice. He was currently walking with this girl he met two days ago from a different school.

"Do you see that girl?" The girl asked as she looked up to Teruki.

"Uh..." The blonde paused and sigh, "No," He said.

"She's a weirdo... She's asking that random customer for their pasta," The girl mumbled as Teruki clicked his tongue.

The girl notices his sudden annoyance as she laughed, "Are you okay?" The girl asked.

"Yeah," Teruki replied immediately as he continued to watch the girl from who's causing too much attention.

The waiter accidentally grabbed the girls (H/color) locks as she winced in pain.

That's when Teruki immediately let's go of the random girl's hand and quickly run over to the scene.

"E-Eh? Teruki?!" The girl shouted.

"I just want his pasta, sir..." The girl mumbled as she sniffs. Tears were threatening to come out of her eyes.

The waiter looked at her with seemingly a disgusted look, "Ma'am, he ordered for that pasta. It's not yours for the taking," The waiter replied.

"But he said he didn't liked it!" The girl cried.

The waiter was about to console the crying girl but stopped when someone grabbed them by their shoulders. And before anyone could react, the girl and the blonde boy disappeared out of sight.

"The pasta..." The girl mumbled as she cries silently.

Teruki rolled his eyes and clicked his tongue, "You're embarrassing yourself, (Y/n)," He said as he narrowed his eyes at the girl.

"But, Teru... That pasta... Was mine," She said as she pouted.

"How so? You clearly saw that it was on the old man's table," Teruki replied as he crossed his arms against his chest, still, giving her a (strict)glare.

"That dumbass waiter gave the old man that past I paid for! You know how much that costs?! 1,230¥!" She whined.

Teruki sigh as he pinched the bridge of his nose, "Why do I even bother saving you from the public? You ruined my date," He said.

"Why blame me? I didn't even asked you to come and save me. You're the one who jumped in on the scene," The girl said with a serious tone as she stared at Teruki with a blank expression.

She was right. It's not like she asked for his help, she didn't even know he was there in the first place. So, why did he bother to go and save her?

And why does he blame her for ruining his lovely time with this girl he just met 2 days ago.

"I'm going back to get my pasta, it's expensive," The girl mumbled as she turned around and walked away from the blonde boy.

"Hey, wait! You're not going to embarrass yourself again, right?" Teruki asked. Why is he worried all of a sudden.

"Huh? I'm not embarrassing myself, I'm just fighting for my pasta. It's my money, so I need to defend it," She said as she continues to walk.

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