Chapter 7

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Teruki awkwardly stood in front of the apartment door of where (Y/n) lives. He purposely ignored Obake’s threats from yesterday, it’s not like your guardian could do anything to him. He’s fully capable of protecting himself.

That is if he can oppose the powers Obake have. In which I’m pretty sure he can’t. This blonde boy was scared shitless just by Obake’s sinister presence.

He made his mind ever since from yesterday, he’s ready to commit himself in to apologizing to (Y/n). He thought it was going to be easy. But, his main obstacle was her guardian herself, Obake.

Teruki’s eyes fluttered in realization when he saw the black hollow eyes of Obake’s mask staring at him, face on the same level as his.

The masked man tilted his head in an inhumane way in which made Teruki shiver as he cringed.

“Well, aren’t you a little disobedient?” Obake asked.

“I’m here to apologize to (Y/n),” Teruki said in a serious manner.

Obake clicked his tongue in annoyance, “Leave kid, Im warning you,” Obake said as he shuts the door in front of him.

“Wait-!” Teruki shouted, but the masked man had already shut the door in front of him.

Teruki stood there in front of the motionless, he stared blankly as he unconsciously let out a sigh.

"Can I please apologize to (Y/n)?" He asked the door in front of him.

"Go away kid, I'll kill you!"

Obake said shouted on the other side of the door. Teruki took a deep breath and sigh once again, "I-I'll come back tomorrow!" He said.

"Come back here again, I'll resort to violence,"

Teruki's eyes widened as he heard Obake's voice inside his head. His hunch was right, the aura he felt from the masked man yesterday wasn't  from any evil spirit, Obake himself is an esper. And his presence alone with his psychic energy is sickening.

If Kageyama was bad enough to deal with, this man might be worse.

Let's not get on his bad side now.

But, Teruki was committed to apologize or at least talk to you, so he'll definitely ignore Obake's threats.


Obake was currently throwing the trash out. He was hoping that the kid with crazy blonde hair wouldn't come back, his little (Y/n) was scared to even go out of the apartment now. And he totally blames that kid.

If he wasn't so harsh about her smile, then things wouldn't end up this way. The kid was an esper too, so he won't be backing down that easy unless he beat the sense out of that kid.

The blonde was strong, he can tell from his aura. But, that didn't faze him. He's an adult with a lot  of experience.

The mask man sighed as he closed the lid of the trash can. Groaning, he turned around to feel the familiar presence of the said blonde.

"Kid, seriously, you're tempting me to kill you," Obake said.

"Please, let me apologize to (Y/n)," Teruki said as serious as he should.

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