Chapter 2

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[ Lore time!!! I love writing lores. I hope you love reading them too! ]

Reader's point of view

"IM HOOOOME!" I shouted in front of the door of my apartment. The door slowly opened revealing a dark and dimmed hallway of my home.

"Welcome home..." A man whispered behind the door. His black gloves that was wet with something in the shade of red stained the door.

"WHAT'S FOR DINNER?" I asked with a smile as he opened the door widely for me to enter.

"Guess," He quietly said, though the tone of his word seemed like he was smirking.

Once I entered, I took off my school shoes as I head towards the kitchen.

"Oi! Wipe the stain on the door!" I told him as I point to him.

"Hai~ Hai~" He said as he grabbed the towel next to the fridge.

"I'm guessing... Tomato Soup?" I said to him with a smile.

"Yessssss," He said as he turn his head towards him whilst wiping the stain on the door.

"Obaaaaake! I want some chocolate caaaaake!" I whined as I turned on the lights in the living room. Once I did, I plop down on our couch as I rest my feet on the coffee table.

Obake, however, did not find this pleasing. He walked towards me and hit me in the head with the towel he's holding. It wasn't rough, though it did kind of hurt since the towel was wet and holds a bit of weight.

"Change clothes! Now!" He growled at me as he moved his masked face towards me.

I rolled my eyes as I pushed his masked face away from me, "FINE! But~ Do we have chocolate cake?" I asked as I tilt my head to the side.

"Hai~ Hai~!" He replied cheerfully.

I smiled and chuckle, "Niiiiice," I said as I give him a thumbs up.

I head towards my room to get change and join Obake to dinner.

Obake is not a family member of mine. His past was filled with mystery, but if I asked about it, he would give me a truthful answer. He's a masked man, wearing a ghost mask. His covers his whole body with black, you wouldn't be able to see a glimpse of his skin.

I know that talking about his appearance is a touchy subject, so I try not to pry in his privacy. After all, I respect him.

He took great care of me despite him being like that.

Maybe that's why some people find me odd and weird. I'm just glad that TeruTeru doesn't think of me that way! I'm so proud to have him as my friend.

Obake no kao is the name he introduce to me. I know that's not his real name, but asking about it, he said to me;

"I don't even remember who I am, so how am I suppose to remember what my real name is? Obake no kao is the name I thought of myself when I found this ghost mask that covers my face! Isn't that fun!"

𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐁𝐨𝐲 [ 𝐇𝐚𝐧𝐳𝐚𝐰𝐚 𝐓. ]Where stories live. Discover now