Chapter 10

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Many students looked at you as you stare at Teruki in disbelief.

"Wow... The new girl's got a hot boyfriend,"

You heard someone whisper just right behind you.

Teruki, with a smile, stood right in front of you as he offered his hand for you to hold, "Let me walk you home," He said.

He waited for a reply as some students stopped by to see what was going on. It's your first day, and you already stand out.

You were even a talk in the other classes because of how they see you as pretty and attractive.

Your facial muscles twitched immediately as you already covered your mouth. Without saying anything, you silently ignored his hand and started to walk away from him.

He knew that you would act this way, but he did it nonetheless. He was already here, and he promised himself that he'll do whatever it takes to get you back.

"She just ignored him..."

"Do you think they're in a quarrel?"

"How about we just mind our own business?"

"Dude's handsome though,"


"(Y/n)-chan-! Please, wait for me," Teruki called out as he followed you.

"Leave me alone," You said even though it was muffled because of your hand, he still heard it.

"Can I at least walk with you?" He asked with a sheepish smile.

"No. Leave me alone," You said as you pick up the pace of your walking. 

But the blonde didn't listen, he kept his distance from behind you but he still followed. It irks you to the point where you facial muscle tensed as a annoyed smile crept up on your lips.

You stopped as you balled your hands into a fist, "I know you're still following me," You said.

But no one replied to your words, it baffled you as when you turn around you saw no one.

Unconsciously sighing in relief, you face towards to continue walking.

As you did so, you came face to face with none other the blonde who has been bugging you. Still, with a smile that looks like a mocking one, your eyes glared at him.

"Leave me. alone. Or I'll call Obake," You said.

"You told Obake not to hurt me as I can remember," Teruki said as he pointed out the fact. Without your consent, he grabbed your wrist as he pulled you, the two of you started to walk away.

"Let go! Or I'll tell anyone that you're harassing me!" You shouted.

"I'll just walk you home! Come on, it's not that bad!" He said as he laughed afterwards.

"Let me go! I already told you I am not forgiving you, Just let me be!" You said as you pulled your hand back to yourself.

Teru stopped walking as he looked back at you, with a small smile, he tilted his head to the side just by a little bit, "And I told you, I'm not giving up," He said.

"Isn't it enough for you to ruin my trust? I don't want to be friends with you anymore! So, just leave me alone!" You said as you run past him.

And you have no idea as to why your eyes started to tear up.

Teruki stood there dumbfounded.

'I don't want to be friends with you anymore!'

Yeah, sure, it did hurt when you said you're not going to forgive him, but he made a mental note that he could still try and not give up. But, hearing you say those words made him... Heavy.

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