Chapter 4

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School's over. And it was a difficult day for our main character to finish this day. Even though she doesn't admit it, in her physical form, she looks very tired and ready to collapse at any moment.

The girl lazily got her shoes and quickly wore them.

Little did she know that a certain blonde was watching her every move. Part of him wanted to walk her home, but he got himself busy with his new girl.

She looks tired as hell, and even he can see it.

Teruki took a deep breath as he decided to ignore her and focus his interest on his new girl. He knows that she's gonna get home safe, so there's nothing to worry about.

But, the sun is already setting.

If it gets dark, she might get herself in trouble.

Nevermind it. She can handle herself really fine. It's not like she's always needed some protection, it's not his job after all.

He huffed as he rested his arms on the girl's shoulder as the two of them walked away. Though, he couldn't help but think and worry about the weird girl's safety.

He needed to remind himself that- it was not his job to protect her. Only if she got herself in a sticky situation, maybe he'll be kind enough to help her.

Such as assault or something, now that's where he's going to save her. It's not his responsibility to follow her around and ensure her safety. That's not his job, duh.

Going back to our beloved MC. She took a deep breath as she gripped the handle of her book bag. Even her own bag is heavy in her hand, and she felt like her limbs are ready to detach themselves from her torso.

Today was a tiring day. It really is.

But she can't deny the fact that it's her fault. After all, things got shittier first thing in the morning when the teacher humiliated her in front of the whole class.

Things went downhill from the start of that.

The girl decided to buy some Onigiri at the nearest convenience store from her school. Maybe eating something before going home will give her enough energy to safely get to her home.

After all, she can't call Obake to go and fetch her up. He did tell her this morning that he was going to have a job.

Even my eyes are starting to get heavy. I can't wait to get home and sleep my heavy day away...

She thought as she sulked inside her head. This bad day will just fade away- just like any other day.

Her vision got blurry as her feet wobbled whilst walking.

The girl took a deep breath as she supported herself at the nearest pole next to her. She's already close at the convenience store, it's bad if she passes out here in public.

It's already dark out.

"Hah! Look at this pathetic bitch," Someone said from behind her.

She didn't have that much energy to look who it was. The girl began to keep walking again.

Though, she stumbled and manages to drop to her knees. She felt a powerful kick from her behind, the impact from the fall on her knees will surely leave some scratches.

"Hey- ugly, do you have some cash with you?" It was a tough voice coming from a girl. Her companions laughed as she chuckled. Grabbing a fistful of her hair as she yanked her back.

"Answer me, dumbass," She spat at her angrily.

"I have some leftover almond tofu in my bento box, maybe you'll want it?" The girl said weakly as she gives a smile at the delinquent who was glaring down at her.

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