Chapter 8

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That one word doesn't leave his head. Teruki blankly stares at the scenery below him. He was currently alone on the school rooftop, and it was during lunchtime. There were just too many thoughts and things flowing inside his head that it was hard to focus on one. 

To make it worse, he heard the rumor that the reason why (Y/n) wasn't attending classes anymore is that she was going to change schools.

Teruki smiled as he gently shook his head, trying to get the storming thoughts out of his head. He can't focus on his school works if he keeps thinking about all that. 

'If I wasn't so prideful and arrogant, our friendship would've been beautiful...'


"Hanazawa-san, Lisa-chan wants to talk to you,"

One of Lisa's friends told Teruki. He stared at her with a deadpan expression as he immediately grimaced.

"Ah... I'm kind of busy," He replied.

"She's asking if the two of you could come back together," She said as she looked at Teruki with hopeful eyes.

Teruki laughed, more like a mocking laugh, "No. That's not going to happen," He replied shortly. 

The girl was about to say a remark of some sort that she think Teruki would be pissed about, but as she opened her mouth, Teruki disappeared out of her sight.

The blonde sighed in relief as he decided to just get on with the day. Maybe even visit (Y/n) again and try his best to gain her forgiveness. Even if it did hurt him physically because of Obake. The blonde doesn't care about what's going to happen to him just as long as he gets her forgiveness.

Just because she said no, he's already going to stop.

No, that's not going to be easy.

He's determined to gain her back. No matter what it takes. No matter how many times she purposely breaks him for what he did to her, he doesn't care.

He's not going to give up. 

Not in a million years.




He took a deep breath as he looked up at her apartment floor. She was sitting on the balcony in front of the door of their apartment room, he doesn't even know why he stopped in his tracks motionless and stared.

Suddenly, his heart clenched as his breath got uneven. It felt like someone was groping his heart on the inside.

"For fuck sake, Hanazawa. My kid already said no," He heard the familiar voice of the masked man. His vision went shaky as it becomes blurry, the man was standing right in front of him as he was trying his best to catch a breath.

Coughing, Obake immediately stopped whatever he was physically doing at Teruki's heart.

The blonde's legs wobbled a bit as he gain back his composure and stared at the masked man in front of him.

"(Y/n) hasn't recovered from your words. She cried herself at night, I even catch her mumbling to herself that she was not worth anything. Do you see what you've done to my sweet (Y/n)? She used to be so..." Obake paused as he looked down at the ground, "...So cheerful. But you ruined it," 

𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐁𝐨𝐲 [ 𝐇𝐚𝐧𝐳𝐚𝐰𝐚 𝐓. ]Where stories live. Discover now