Chapter 6

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❲this chapter is poorly written. I'm sorry if you find any mistakes, I don't have the time to proofread the entire thing.❳

Your thoughts were above the clouds as you slowly make your way toward your school. Your legs were slightly aching from all the running you did earlier, and the park where you stayed was a bit far from your school. Gripping the handle of your bag, you took a deep breath and calm your storming thoughts. The sky was already getting dark because of the upcoming heavy rain. The slight rumbling of thunder is the only noise that accompanied you through your silence.

You still felt heavy. Teruki was your only friend, or you thought he was. Turns out he wasn't.

He was the same as the others. Who finds your smile creepy and ugly,

You flinched in surprise as your wavering train of thought was interrupted when you felt the whole ground shake.

"Woah..." You breathe out as you look up front to see your school gate. You walked a bit faster to see that the dark clouds have made an opening, the light of the day directly hitting your school. There was a bit of droplet of rain.

Arriving in front of the gate, you head inside. Your eyes flutter at the sight.

There were students, mostly delinquents, the goons of Teruki lying unconsciously on the ground. You saw the familiar silhouette of the bowl-cut boy from earlier. And beside him was a naked, not to mention bald-headed boy.

Your eyes twitched, as your lips suddenly curved up into a smile, feeling anxious and the sudden danger. You quickly covered your mouth when you realized who the naked one is.

It was Hanazawa.

He was having a conversation with the bowl-cut boy, and for a while, he was distracted, you quickly made your way inside the school facility, heading towards the boy's locker room to grab some clothes for Hanazawa. Even though your lips display a smile, your eyes can say the opposite. It displays a worried yet anxious look.

As quickly as possible, you heard Hanazawa's 'friends' scurry away as they scream in panic, not wanting to end up the same as him. Quickly changing your shoes, you head out. Planning to at least give him the last kindness he'll receive from you.

You spotted him standing alone with the dark-haired boy. The bowl-cut dude turned his attention to you as Hanazawa did so.

The blonde's eye widened in shock as a visible blush crept up on his cheeks. You were still smiling, and immediately Hanazawa thought that you were going to laugh at him, of course, it was a reasonable thing to do since from what he did to you earlier, and for what he said to you, he deserves to be laughed at by you.

He waited for that moment to come.

He sigh in defeat as he nervously looked at you. Seemingly waiting for you to laugh at him hysterically.

But he was taken by surprise, so much as his heart skipped a beat as he silently watched you hand him his gym clothes without saying anything. He stood there dumbfounded.

"(Y/n)...?" He quietly called out.

You didn't meet his gaze as you covered your mouth and quickly run away from the scene.

Hanazawa watched as you disappear from his sight. He sigh and smiled at himself, looking at Kageyama as he spoke, "That was the girl I treated poorly. I know how badly she wanted to laugh because of that smile of hers. But, even from what I said to her earlier, she was still kind enough to give me my gym clothes," Hanazawa paused as he looked at the clothes in his hand, The blonde scoffed, "Maybe that's the last kindness that I'll ever receive from her," He quietly said to the boy.

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