Chapter 11

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It went on for weeks.

[°] Salt Middle School

In just a span of weeks, you have become good friends with Kageyama Shigeo, and both of you were on the first name basis already. After the event that happened before with you crying at the park, and at your old school-- it was enough for the two of you to know that are some things that only you two understand.

He also introduced you to some of his friends, and also to his little brother. But the young Kageyama seemed to fake his smile when he saw you.

You wonder why. But, you didn't want to think much about it so you decided to ignore it.

It went on for weeks.

And what I meant by that is... It went on for weeks that Teruki's been walking you to your home. It causes attention, many students, especially girls started approaching you and starts asking about that certain blonde boy.

Asking if you have any special relationship with him since he's so effort of walking with you.

And you would bluntly answer with a:

"No, he's not my boyfriend. He's just someone who likes to... annoy me,"

Some were disappointed with your answers, but within a short time, you also have gotten used to it.

Spotting the familiar blonde who waits for you in his usual spot you sigh.

The said blonde boy spotted you as he gives you a cheerful smile, "(Y/n)-Chan!" He called out as he waved at you and walked towards you.

You learned two things about this repeating situation. 1, if you ignore the said blonde he would continue to follow you while telling you his day. 2, if you talk to the said blonde he wouldn't also kept his mouth shut. At least, in number 1 you can always tell him to shut up.

Teruki scoff, "How are your classes?" He asked.

You looked at him with a deadpanned expression, "Fine, I guess? Just how long are you going to keep doing this?" You asked as you give him a fake smile.

The boy just kept his happy smile and replied, "What do you mean?" He asked.

"I know at some point you'll stop too, so why not do it now?" You tell him.

"You know giving up is not my thing, right?" He asked as he slightly tilted his head to the side.

"That's not what I heard when you easily gave up on our friendship," You said to him, keeping the same fake smile you had given to him.

For some reason, those words alone erased the smile on Teruki's face.

"Leave me alone, Hanazawa," You said as you walk past him.

You finally let out a breath. Hopefully, that blonde will leave you alone. You really don't like seeing him.

Or you just don't like seeing his fake smiles?

Shaking your head with that thought, you glared at the ground beneath you. Why would you even think that? He hurts you enough, and destroys your trust... So why think that?

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 07, 2023 ⏰

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