Chapter 5

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You were sitting down, minding your own business inside your classroom. Not that you have that many friends to socialize your life, you just sat alone in the quiet room of your class.

You were staring at the clock above the board, the ticking of the clock is the only noise that accompanied you along with your screaming thoughts. You shouldn't have left early.

Even if you didn't leave early, Obake wouldn't have made you lunch.

Sighing down, you carefully hang your injured arm to the side. There wasn't that much to do in school anyway, cultural festival is just around the corner, and I'm sure your class representative wouldn't even pick you to do anything.

You're that outcast in your class, but at least your friend is famous.

Resting your head on the table, you closed your eyes. Maybe a little nap will kill some time until you wait for the class to start.

Hopefully, this day will be a good day.

Teruki walked to school a little late than usual. There were few students that was walking towards his private school, so he was a bit late. He's pretty sure that he's girlfriend already arrived there, waiting for him.

Now, he did asked himself as to why he dated her in the first place. He's still has this chick at the other school, so if they both find out that they're being timed, then it's going to get messy.

He was hoping that he'll break up with her tomorrow, or even today. Whatever suit his time of decision, he will do it.

But for now, it was fun having the reputation he has for dating her.

Reputation this, reputation that. That's all what the blonde has ever cared about. And if anyone finds out that he's friend with this girl that was labeled in their school as the most oddest and weirdest one, a nobody and an outcast, it'll be sure to ruin his reputation.

And Teruki doesn't want that to happen.

If it's even possible to break his friendship with her, he would do it. He just need to find the right time.

But it also felt illegal to do that action... For some reason.

At some point he treats her as a friend, but sometimes she just gets on his nerves.

"Oi! Hanazawa-san, your girlfriend is crying," Edano said as he approached the blonde who just entered the schools perimeters.

"I just entered school, and you're already giving me a problem?" Teruki asked as he raised his eyebrow.

"Eehh... She was claiming that (L/n)-san stole her ring, and it was getting messy," Edano informed the blonde.

Teruki clicked his tongue in annoyance. What a way to start this day, huh?


She was sobbing. I didn't know what to do.

I was defenseless, and I don't know what to say.

𝐋𝐨𝐯𝐞𝐫 𝐁𝐨𝐲 [ 𝐇𝐚𝐧𝐳𝐚𝐰𝐚 𝐓. ]Where stories live. Discover now