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  WHAT DO YOU WEAR to a party where you know only one person? Sure, Charlie has been to plenty of parties before

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  WHAT DO YOU WEAR to a party where you know only one person? Sure, Charlie has been to plenty of parties before. Actually, they were birthday parties where there was always adult supervision which she is sure that this type of party wouldn't have. It's a high school party, where she doesn't know anyone, and knowing high schoolers, there was bound to be drama, a mess, and chaos. Just to be sure, she decided to wear a long-sleeved shirt and tights underneath her clothes.

  Why did she say yes to Robby? Especially a day before starting school, she should be resting, and preparing to be the new student coming into a high school where everyone already knows who's who, and cliques were already formed.

God the things that happen when using one brain cell.


  While Robby had told Sam about his old friend Charlie. He hadn't exactly told her that Charlie was a girl, whenever he had talked about Charlie, he never specifically used gender terms, always Charlie this, Charlie that.

  She was happy that he was having more people in his life and in his corner even though she hadn't exactly told that to him. He could see it on her face.

  "Would Charlie like to join Miyagi-do?" After telling Sam that he had invited Charlie, Sam asked.

  Robby told her that from what he remembered, Charlie had no interest in karate. That Charlie didn't like violence, that whenever they had watched movies, Charlie had always hid behind him when a character was getting hurt. He never knew then but it made him feel more protective of Charlie. So Robby told that to Sam. She looked like she wanted to say something but decided not to.

  "Mhm." What does that mean? Why can't girls say what they are thinking? They had always confused Robby, well, Charlie never had. He could always read her well. Especially when she was hungry.


  Sam looped her arm through his while they walked to her car to drive to Robby's old friend, Charlie's house. They were going to meet the rest of Miyagi-do at the front yard of Moon's. Sam was excited to get out after the day she had and she was excited to meet Charlie. Robby talked about him a lot at the beginning of their relationship. How Charlie was his best friend, how they were attached at the hip and how they always had so many sleepovers, that Charlie's mom had officially had a set of pj's ready for Robby, which Sam found cute.

  As she was driving, Sam wonder how Charlie looked. Did he have curly or straight hair, was it long or short? Was he tall? She knows that he didn't like violence like Moon, that was probably the only thing she remembered about him.

  It's funny, most of the men in her life, defense or not, used violence. Her dad was her sensei, her brother played games with it, and Robby and Miguel used karate which was obviously, violent. Maybe having a male friend who wasn't involved in this 'karate war' would be good for her.

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