.ch nine

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  WHO THROWS A PARTY ON A THURSDAY,  Charlie was going to just stay home, snuggling under her warm fluffy blanket but Moon had seen her talking to the trio of friends and decided that they, being her, Moon and Sam should go

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  WHO THROWS A PARTY ON A THURSDAY,  Charlie was going to just stay home, snuggling under her warm fluffy blanket but Moon had seen her talking to the trio of friends and decided that they, being her, Moon and Sam should go. So Sam can get her mind off of boys and Charlie could expand her 'horizons', Moon said that she was too closed in with just the two girls being her friends.

  She was not.

  Yes, she was.

  Since it was Wednesday, Charlie had a whole day to mentally prepare for the party. The last one she went to was a disaster and she was unprepared for what was to come. Though Macy had told her it was going to be a 'low key' party, teenagers have a way of making the smallest of things into the biggest drama.

  An example, before moving back to California, Charlie's old classmate Danny had started a rumor that her best friend Joe had slept with her crush just to get back at her because she saw Joe glance at him. By the end of the school day, students were writing cruel things on Joe's locker. Joe and some of Danny's friends had no idea who the crush even was.

  Teenagers were so dramatic, even thinking this, Charlie feels dramatic.

  Charlie was cut off from her inner monologue when her phone started ringing, the caller ID showing 'Sam'. She hit the accept button and put Sam on speaker.

  "Hey, it's Moon on speaker! Sam wanted me to ask if you wanted a ride to school. She would ask but she was still getting ready," In the background, you could hear Sam singing along to music, "We know you usually go with Ms. Greenfield but we were going to go to Starbucks and thought you might be interested!"

  After two weeks of hanging out with Sam and Moon, Charlie was still surprised when they wanted to hang out with her. When she had first met Sam, Charlie thought the only time they would hang out would be when Robby was there. Growing up after moving, girls or guys didn't really like her. They always thought the way she viewed the world was weird, 'the real world is not sunshine and rainbows' they would say or when they did want to become friends, they would say that she was too clingy, 'why are you following me around the playground?', when all she wanted to do was get to know her new friend.

  They even encourage her when making new friends, like with Macy, Theo, and Carter. Sam and Moon are great friends and anyone who say otherwise can face the 5' 1" girl. Charlie may be short and not like violence but she does have a mean left hook.


  "—space out again?" Sam asked Moon.

  "Yeah, just give her a minute." See, they already knew her habit of spacing out, and they waited. Most people wouldn't.

  "Sorry!" Charlie finally replied, sheepishly, "But yes, seriously I need some caffeine right now."

  "It's fine honey, it's what friends do!" Moon said in her sweet sweet voice, " We'll be there in like fifteen minutes."

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