.ch six

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  ROBBY HAD BEEN TAKEN ABACK at Charlie's response

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ROBBY HAD BEEN TAKEN ABACK at Charlie's response. She was becoming very sarcastic and sassy, though it wasn't a new thing, he was glad because it meant that she was growing comfortable.

He wouldn't blame her though if she was uncomfortable, who wouldn't be? She could be in her room studying or doing things an average teen should be but here she was, helping him because she was worried. He hates worrying people, especially her and her mom. That's why he never told Liza when his mom would leave for days on end even though Liza and his mom were friends.

He felt like a burden, he felt like he didn't deserve all this worry because he was a screwed-up kid that even his parents didn't want. So why would the nice small family want him in their life?

Six-year-old Charlie would probably say it was because he was her best friend, Sixteen year old Charlie would say it was because he was family even after all these years. And even though she had just come back into his life, it felt like the burden was lessening, she and her mom were making him feel like that six-year-old boy who should have had little worry.


"Can you cut my hair?" Robby blurted out after being silent for a minute. Sure he liked the length but they were looking for a boy with shoulder-length hair so it had to go, and since Charlie had always cut his hair when their moms weren't looking, he figured now would be a great time to test her skills. Even if he was joking to ease the little awkwardness he caused, seeing the look of eagerness on Charlie's face was enough for him to hand her the dull scissors he picked up from the small dresser.

"Yes!" She cleared her throat and repeated more calmly, "Yes, I can do that." There was still light outside, enough that she didn't have to turn her phone flashlight on yet, not at least for another hour. She pulled a small stool toward the window, though not so close that someone outside could see a person. She didn't want to be the one to get Robby caught.

Even though what Robby did was terrible, it wasn't her place to judge him. Her mother had taught her that, and that's also why she didn't judge Sam though a little part of her was judging Miguel. As she had previously thought, something about him makes him seem teasable. He reminds her of a friend back in New York who was like a little sibling. She would never tell him unless Robby and Miguel had magically made up, which looking at the situation, would never happen.

Back to her previous thought, she couldn't tell him what to do even though she knows that if he kept running, his sentence would be longer when he was caught. It would be better to turn himself in.

Grabbing the scissors, she began to cut off inches of Robby's hair. His brown hair fell to the wooded floor. She still remembers when she would cut his hair when it got long but in reality, she was secretly jealous of how pretty and long his hair was compared to hers growing up.

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