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  THURSDAY WAS A HALF DAY, since it was the day before winter break started

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  THURSDAY WAS A HALF DAY, since it was the day before winter break started. Every class was released at 12:30 P.M, and Charlie had no choice but to wait for her mom since Sam couldn't give her a ride home due to karate lessons and Moon couldn't either because of dance practice.

  She sat on the dirty tile floor outside her mom's classroom since she had to wait for her mom to finish helping some students. She figured she would pull a book out to read. She wasn't a big reader in general but something about the Percy Jackson series that kept her focused on what she was reading.

  She continued to read until the end of the current chapter she was on, she then looked up and studied the people walking by. It was something she enjoyed doing when she had the time.

A boy with glasses walked by holding his girlfriend's hand, the girlfriend was listening to him ramble on about his favorite movie. She looked so intrigued and he looked so happy that she was interested in what he was saying.

A group of friends was pushing one friend toward a girl whose back was turned toward them. They looked like they were encouraging her to talk to the girl. The friend was blushing once she bumped into the girl.

Maybe she was the girl's crush?

She then noticed the boy in front of a locker, just standing. It was Moon's ex-boyfriend, Eli, or what he prefers, Hawk.

Without his usual glare, he looked tired and defeated. His eyes were focused on the ground as he fidgeted with his backpack straps, it looked like he was thinking about something important.

He wasn't far away, just a couple of lockers down and maybe it was because she was staring, but he slowly lifted his eyes and turned towards her. At first, it looked like he didn't recognize her but a few seconds passed and his glare appeared.

It was like she committed a horrible crime towards him in a past life with that glare focused on her, she flinched because of it. She quickly looked down at her hands resting on her lap and tried not to glance back up toward him.

A sigh was heard in the now quiet outside hallway where her mom's classroom was located. Footsteps came closer to her and then a stop was made.

Please, please, please continue. Her prayers weren't heard as she looked up.

There stood Hawk, looking down at her, not glaring, just looking. They stared at each other for a few seconds when he sighed again and looked up to the ceiling, probably sending up a quick prayer.

  He threw his backpack on the ground and turned around, then dropped to the floor next to her. He sat with his back leaned against the wall and his head tilted back, looking forward.

  "Uhm—" he cut her off.

  Uh, rude.

  "Don't talk."

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