.ch four

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  AS SHE WOKE UP WITH A pounding headache to a string of dings from her phone at 6 in the morning, Charlie swore to never drink again, well at least until she was twenty-one

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AS SHE WOKE UP WITH A pounding headache to a string of dings from her phone at 6 in the morning, Charlie swore to never drink again, well at least until she was twenty-one. She had unlocked her phone to see a few text messages from Robby and Macy, and her friend from New York.

She doesn't remember how she made it home either and from the money, she found in her wallet, she didn't use an Uber or Lyft. Maybe Robby had dropped her off at home in Sam's car.

Macy was asking if they could FaceTime before remembering the time difference, and Robby, who was surprisingly up, was asking that when she woke up, to text him back followed by asking if Sam was acting weird before he had met back up with them.

Huh, I was with Sam?

She did not remember a single thing from last night. She was lying, of course, she did remember receiving looks of horror from Sam and, if she remembers correctly, Miguel. Had she done something weird, or terrible? So terrible that they looked so scared when they saw her.


Sending a text back to Robby, she asked him to call her. She was still tired from last night and she hurt too much to physically text him any more than she had already done. The message went from delivered to read and a couple of minutes later a call from him came through.

"Hey, sorry if I woke you up," she could tell that he had been awake for some time by his voice, "We can talk later at school, instead?"

"No that's fine, I should be getting up anyway. My mom has to get to the school anyway." Liza had gotten a job at the high school as an English teacher for juniors.

"Huh?" Oh, that's right, Charlie had forgotten to tell him that her mom was a teacher now.

"Yeah, she's a teacher," Charlie continued to tell him about her job.

"That actually explains all the paperwork I saw yesterday when I dropped you off," Robby told her, "Liza looked like she was going crazy with all the paperwork and looked happy to have a distraction from it."

"I'm sorry you had to go through all that trouble," She felt bad, he could have been spending more time with Sam but he dropped her off instead,  "To see me drunk and having to deal with me." 

"So what did you need to talk about, all I got from that text was something about Sam?"

"Oh, yeah. What happened last night? When the police showed up, Sam kept saying sorry to you and then wouldn't let me take her home," he had rambled on, "so we had to stay at Johnny's."

Over the phone, you could hear Charlie choking on the air. The last time she remembered Robby willingly going to Johnny was when they were five and they needed a ride to the park because both moms couldn't take them. Sam must've not wanted to go home, for Robby to go to him.

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