.ch eight

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  AS CARTER AND THEO WAITED FOR MACY, he turned to Theo, "When do you think Greenfield is going to stop hiding from us?"

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AS CARTER AND THEO WAITED FOR MACY, he turned to Theo, "When do you think Greenfield is going to stop hiding from us?"

He shrugged, not vocalizing his answer due to how sleepy he was because Carter had woken him up earlier than usual. His plan was since Charlie's mom gets to school early since she was a teacher, then probably Charlie would be a school early too. They would catch her when she was away from Ms. Greenfield, and—

"Why are we even chasing her anymore? She obviously hadn't told her mom, or anyone. All she does is hang out with Sam Larusso and her friends." Macy had finally shown up, though she was clearly a mess. She just wasn't used to waking up this early like Theo.

She was also annoyed because she had to wake up her younger brother since he was a freshman going to the same school. He was so hard to wake up before 7:40 AM, the time his body woke him up, as he would say.

Theo nodded his head in agreement with Macy, still not fully awake. The two others looked at him as he swayed from left to right with his eyes closing.

Macy cuffed her hand around her mouth and whispered into Carter's ear, "Did—Did he just fall asleep standing again?"

Clearly, this wasn't an unusual occurrence, "How does he keep doing that?"

Carter was the one to shrug this time, "He's a strange kid, remember that time when he would read his books upside down just because."

Macy does remember. Theo had given them that excuse when in reality he was high as a kite and didn't want to share, Carter was dumb enough to buy the excuse.

"Strange indeed." Macy replied to Carter, "Anyways enough of that, so tell me a legitimate reason why we are still chasing after that Greenfield girl?"

"Because," Carter dragged out the last syllable, "Uhm, well, actually beca—"

"You don't have a reason do you?" Macy's hand went to her hips as she looked at him unimpressed.

Why was she even following his plan?

"Yes, I do, right Theo?" Carter bumped his elbow into the boy, waking him up in the process. Theo, having no idea what they were talking about, just nodded in agreement with his friend.

"He doesn't count. You have no reason and we are scaring a girl who doesn't deserve it. We are sto—" Carter cut her off by pulling her towards the school's door.

"There she is! Let's go!" Carter let go of Macy to go back to get Theo. She could have left them right there, by themselves but she wanted to see what was going to happen. Nobody can blame her for being curious about what he was going to do. Carter could be very smart, his IQ was one of the highest at the school but that was book smarts, in everything thing else he was kind of dumb.

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