.ch eleven

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  ROBBY HADN'T SHOWN UP TODAY, it was almost 5 PM, one hour before Sam and Moon arrive to get ready for the party, which starts at 9 PM, at her house

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  ROBBY HADN'T SHOWN UP TODAY, it was almost 5 PM, one hour before Sam and Moon arrive to get ready for the party, which starts at 9 PM, at her house. Although he had written to her multiple time to not worry, she couldn't help it.

She wonders if he knew that she was home already and just decided to not come. She understands honestly, but she would have liked to see him.

  And you could say that it was selfish but she did miss him, even though she had just met him again after so many years, she did, miss him, even more than she had before.

  Maybe she should tell Sam that Robby was in contact with her, she was his girlfriend after all but then again, would Sam tell her father?

Telling Mr. Larusso would be a bad idea, she overheard once when she was at Sam's house that he was going to 'help Robby get a deal', whatever that meant, she didn't trust the adults who used kids for their agenda.

Sometimes she wished that she had just forced him to come with her when she moved, his mom had given him the okay but he wanted to stay with her because she was his mom and his mom was everything to him.

Other times she knows he would've hated her if she forced him, because you can't force him to do things he didn't want to do, and if you somehow did, well, just ask little Brian who forced Robby to 'accidentally' push Charlie off the swing set. Little Brian had to transfer classes because he was too traumatized to look either of them in the eyes.


Robby, sweet, protective, and always standing up for the underdog Robby, was hidden, gone.

Robby was the type to be easily influenced by who and what he surrounded himself with, this Robby was a product of his environment. He was forced to grow up fast when the adult in his life failed him and when they did want to help him, it was too late.

He cooked for himself, washed his own clothes, and made most of the money for rent, his mother never questioned him about where he got the money, and learned to not depend on anyone.

Charlie can't imagine going through that, nobody should, Robby shouldn't be. He was a good person, he had accepted her right back into his life, when he had no reason to, and he trust her.

She makes up her mind as she sits in her bed, I won't tell anyone where he is and what he's been doing.

She's not going to betray his trust this time.

"Charlie! Your friends are here," her mom yells out, "I'm sending them to your room."


The soft sound of Taylor Swift plays in the background as the three girls gather in front of Charlie's vanity. Moon decided to go with a purple look, Sam goes with a navy blue and they both help her choose between peach or iridescent eyeshadow.

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