Episode 1 get your game on

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Joshua POV:

"Well I am now in this unknown world I know nothing about and now I need to find a way to get back."

As I walk down the street I see many different creatures around the city that I was in and some flying or walking on the street or swimming in the water.I was in awe but also knowing that they could not go up against my deck of heroes.

As I was walking I decided to ask someone who the creatures were.

"Um sir can I ask you something."

Random person:"Sure what's up."

"Do you know what these creatures are."

Random person:"You really don't know what they are they are called pokemon."

Joshua:"Pokemon ok then has a good ring to it."

As I walk away and saw of these Pokémon I heard a loud bang and saw smoke in the air and decided o run to the location and turn the street and I saw 6 people one had some sort of a yellow mouse I think on his shoulder another one with a red hat on with long hair 2 more that looked like siblings a man that has cool hair but not as cool as mine and a women with white clothes on and black hair that looked like a crown I gotta say she looked nice but when saw who attacked I was skocked as explosive headed towards the white clothes girl and I jump in and grab in my arms and jump away.

Diantha POV:

Me and the group were facing off against this person that apparently came out of nowhere and causing havoc all around us and soon he shot a explosion toward me but then I was took off the four d away from the explosion and close my eyes and I looked to see the most hand some man I have ever seen.

Joshua:"miss are you ok there."

"y-yeah I a-am."

Joshua POV"

"Miss are you ok there."

Diantha:"Y-yeah I a-am."

As I looked at her with her face red I wonder why was that so I then set her down after that and decided to face the dude.

Joshua:"Hey dude what the heck was that for!!?"

Random duelist:"Does it look like I care all I care about is the destruction on this city.

Joshua:"If that's gonna happen you got to get though me."

???:"wait are you sure you can stop him?"

Joshua:"don't worry kids this guy about to get decked."

Joshua then took out his duel disk and everyone around the area what was interested in what he had on his arm
As Joshua put his deck in the slot.

Joshua:"alright buddy get your game on!"

Random duelist:"Oh I will."

Joshua/random duelist:"Duel!!"

Joshua:"I'll go first if you don't mind, draw!"

Joshua 4000 LP 6x cards

Random duelist 4000 LP 5x cards

Joshua:"first I will start by summoning out elemental hero avion in attack mode."

A green and strong figure summoned out of the air on the field with everyone being in awe at the new hero.

???:"Is that a Pokémon?"

Joshua:"Nope it's a duel monster I also throw down a face down and call it a turn."

Turn 2

Pokémon diantha x duelist male reader (Joshua)Where stories live. Discover now