Episode 8 duel monsters vs Pokémon (short)

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The next day:

The group was at the battlefield lumose city and of course Joshua and Diantha takes with each other the whole way over.

Diantha:"So Joshua just how strong are your beings?"

Joshua:"Oh dear you'll just have to find out."

Of course no one knew how much actually power duel monsters has over Pokémon


Joshua was outside in the back of the house on the battlefield against Leon to prove who was more superior over the other.

Leon:"I hope you have prepared for this because I am not holding back at all."

Joshua:"I never hold back at all to anyone I will be giving it my all the whole time."

Diantha was cheering loud for Joshua to win and put her heart in to it.

Diantha:"Go Joshua show him what you're made of!"

Lance:"The battle between Joshua and Leon will begin now!"

Leon:"Go charizard!!!"

Joshua:"Go flamewing man!!!"

Both charizard and flamewing man appear on the field starring each other down to see which was more superior.

Leon:"charizard use flamethrower!"

Joshua:"Flamewing man dodge and use skydive scorcher!"

Flamewing dodge charizard attack and flamewing got close and use his attack with a massive explosion and after charizard lay on the ground fainted and flamewing men without any damage.

Leon was too shocked to speak for a few seconds.

Lance:"T-the winner is Joshua."

Diantha:"Joshua you did it I am so proud of you!!"

Joshua:"Thank you Diantha I gald you think that."

Pokémon diantha x duelist male reader (Joshua)Where stories live. Discover now