Episode 9 explaining duel monsters to Pokémon masters

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Later in the day:

Diantha:"So Joshua yugioh how does it work exactly?"

Joshua:"Oh well since you ask I explain the basics for you all."

Joshua:"So to start off each player has a deck of 40 to 60 cards and at the start they each draw 5."

Steven:"that is quite the number."

Joshua:"Yes it is and the player going first does not darw or attack on the first turn."

Diantha:"How do you decide who goes first?"

Joshua:"when someone says they do or a coin toss or any other way."

Joshua:"Then the players have a small idea of what to do like summon a monster and you can only normal summon once per turn and to summon high monsters levels 5-6 you need to tirbute one monster and for 7 and above you need 2 monsters and a tirbute is a normal summon."

Cynthia:"So one of the aims is to have more monsters on the field?"

Joshua:"that is one of the ways yes and the players can also use spells cards during certain times on the field to protect their monsters or power them up or more and traps well can be use to trap your enemy."

Diantha:"wow babe your really amazing at this."

Joshua:"Thank you honey."

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