Episode 2 Settled in (Short)

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Later that day:

Daintha and Joshua were then on their way back to Daintha house and they were both flying in Daintha helicopter to the location.

Diantha POV:

Me and Joshua were both back on our way back to my house to help him out.

Joshua:"So Daintha what's it's like at your house."

Diantha:"Well It's got some great scenery and it's nice and spacious and many others amazing things."

Joshua:"So Am I gonna stay there for the time being."

Diantha:"Y-yeah of course I-I would B-be delighted to have you stay with me."

Joshua:"Oh well thank you you're are a very nice person."

Daintha:"Oh T-thank you v-very much."

They then arrive at her house 10 minutes later and landed.

Then both proceeded to get off the helicopter and to the front entrance.

Daintha:"Well here we are now."

Joshua:"Woah that house is bigger then I thought I was thinking it was a little smaller."

Daintha:"heh I do like the white color on it."

Joshua:"Well it does seem that white is your color."

Daintha:"T-Thank you."

Daintha then opened the front door and both walked inside.

Diantha:"Before anything else I have to introduce you to a couple of friends."

Joshua:"I see well who are they?"

Daintha:"Well let me show you to them."

They both then walked into a larger room with 5 other people sitting on the couchs.

Diantha:"Ok Joshua here on the left of the room we have lance with the red hair he is the champion of kanto and jotho.


Diantha:"Next to him is Steven he is the champion of the hoenn region."

Steven:"pleasure to meet you."

Diantha:"In the middle is Cynthia champion of the sinnoh."

Cynthia:"A pleasure."

Daintha:"The shorter one next to her is iris new recent champion of the unova region."

Iris:"Glad to meet you!!"

Diantha:"Last we have Leon the champion of the galar region."

Leon:"Glad to meet you."

Joshua:"Well I am Joshua everyone and were I am from I am the new king of games."

Steven:"What is that title mean exactly?"

Joshua:"Well it's means that I the king of all games and undefeated in battle."

Leon:"You undefeated Well More like I am the undefeated champion."

Joshua:"Well pretty such even someone as a champion has a loss every now and then but ok then."

Cynthia:"So Joshua what Pokémon do you fight with exactly."

Joshua:"Well what I fight with are not exactly Pokémon their more powerful and different then you might think."

Iris:"Spunds amazing can we see them!"

Joshua:"Probably tomorrow I am feeling a little more tried now."

Lance:"Well yeah it's probably been a long for you."

Diantha:"Yeah we can all pack up for the night and Joshua I can show you to your room."

Cynthia:*smirks*"Oh so you can find a room for your boyfriend."

Diantha*Blushing*"H-he's not my B-boyfriend."

Joshua:"What was that?"


Joshua:"Ok then well shall we diantha?"


Soon everyone settle into their rooms and Diantha then shows Joshua to his room."

Diantha:"Well here we are and if you need me my room is right next to yours on the left."

Joshua:"Thanks diantha for letting me stay here."

Diantha:"I-It's no big deal and I do anything for a friend."

Joshua:"Well thank you I will see you in the morning good night."

Diantha:"O-ok night."

Joshua then went into his room and close the door and diantha then went to her and close the door and wondered what tomorrow will bring.

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