Chapter 2: Judgement 📚 💕

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You awkwardly sit in the chair in front of Bob, unsure of what to do. All you can do now is observe. It seems that he's enjoying your meal so far! He gets up to get a second plate. 'That must be a good sign,' you tell yourself as you question whether there will be any leftovers.

Y/N: "H-how is it?" you sheepishly asked.
Bob pauses for a moment, then looks at you with his ominous smile. For a brief moment, you felt your stomach sink.

Bob: "It's one of the best meals I've ever had."

Y/N: "So does this mean that you'll spare m-me?"

Bob: "According to the deal, yes. But how do I know that you won't tell the cops about this if you haven't already?"

You sat back and thought for a moment and then realized something.
Y/N: "I know about the cult and how they control the system. So whether I told anyone about this or not, it wouldn't matter. It's how you got out before, correct?"

Bob: "Indeed.." He stated as he took a bite of the cornbread.

Y/N: "So uh.... in your documents, it said you used to work at boys n' grills? How was that?" you gave a timid smile

Bob: "It was great while it lasted. It's where I got my butchering skills."

Y/N: "Oh cooolll.. sooo... It seemed that you had a pretty good life back then.... what made you want to join a cult?" Bob hesitated to answer. His smile weakened, and his expression turned cold. This causes you to panic briefly.

Y/N: "Y-you don't have to answer that if you don't want to. Iwasjustwonderingeheheh." *internalized screaming*

Bob: "It wasn't by choice..." He said with a stern yet remorseful tone.
Y/N: "Oh..." you sat in silence.

Bob finishes his plate and places it in the sink. He quietly walks into the living room and sits on the couch. He turns on the TV to the news channel.

News Reporter: "Bob Velseb was shot and killed 28 times by police officers Jack and John after attacking a mother and her child. It is unknown what his intentions or motivations were at this time. It has been rumored that he is affiliated with an organization known as the-" before the reporter could finish, Bob changes the channel. Hungry, you decided to make yourself a microwave dinner. 'delicious,' you sarcastically think. After a while, you decided to go and check in on Bob.

Y/N: "Hey." Bob doesn't respond. He has a bored expression on his face.

Y/N: "Uh, sorry about earlier. I didn't mean to upset you." Still, no response.

Y/N: "So, uh, how long do you plan on staying? Just curious." He looks over

Bob: "I need a place to lay low for a while, way too much activity out there."

Y/N: "I think I'd need to as well. They're going to question me about where the body went and everything. I think I'm going to lose my job."

Bob: "You could always go back to culinary school." He chuckled.

Y/N: "Yeah, heheh.."

You walk back into the kitchen to do the dishes. Thoughts pass by in your head as you're cleaning. 'None of this makes sense. How could he even be alive? 28 gunshot wounds?? Not to mention the four extras he got when Jack pranked John. Unlike any other documented serial killer, his psychology is out of the ordinary. Is the cult making him do this?' Time passes, and the kitchen is cleaned. You walk into the living room to find Bob asleep on the couch with the TV on. You walk past him to get the remote and turn off the TV, but before you can turn around, Bob grabs you and rolls over. You let out a large gasp, then realized that he was still asleep. 'Darn, I knew I should've offered him a blanket.' You reflected on yourself. You try to get out of his grasp, but being pinned between him and the couch cushions does not make it easy. Moments pass, and you eventually give up. Even in his sleep, he's still too strong. It doesn't seem to matter what size you are. You could still use Bob as a bed. You would feel much more comfortable knowing he wasn't a vicious, cold-blooded murderer. However, he's just so soft... and warm... that you can't help but fall asleep in his arms.

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