Chapter 12: Deprived Delusions 📚💔💕

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[Just when I thought I was done with the main storyline, there was still more to write. I wanted to wrap up a couple of loose ends lol. I hope you enjoy <3 ]

[TW: Blood and Scar mentions!]

[Time skips to about a year and a half later.]

Monday morning, you lie on your bed, wrapped up in warm sheets as the cold air rests on top of you. Small dust particles sparkle in the window's moonlight. 4:32 A.M. you see your digital clock, beside you on your nightstand when you awoke. You look around to see the atmosphere completely still and quiet. 'Huh... wonder why I woke up... I didn't go to bed that early did I?' you thought to yourself. Unable to go back to sleep, you close your eyes and took a moment to appreciate the peace and tranquility of your surroundings.

As you relax on your bed, you notice movement beside you. You look over to see Bob sleeping restlessly with worry and fear spanning across his face. He must be having a nightmare. To try and comfort him, you sit up and hold his hand.

Y/N: "Hey... are you okay? wake up..."

His breathing gets heavier and his hand starts to shake. Whatever he's dreaming about is certainly not good.

Bob: "N-no... I... please..." He says under his breath, not being very coherent.

Y/N: "Bob. Wake up, it's just a dream. You're okay." You say, gently patting his shoulder trying to wake him up.

Bob: "No Please!" He bellows as tears start to flood his eyes.

Y/N: "Bob? Bob! it's okay! wake up, please!" You start to pat his shoulder a bit harder.

Just then, he swiftly rises up, gasping for air with his heart pounding in his chest.

Y/N: "Hey, hey! It's okay! You're okay, I'm here." you say trying to reassure him.

It takes him a moment, but after looking around he realizes where he's at and calms down. You hug him as he wipes the tears off his face.

Y/N: "Did you have another nightmare?"

Bob: "Yeah... Sorry, did I wake you?"

Y/N: "No, you're fine! I was already awake. Are you okay?"

Bob: "Yeah, I'll be alright... I just... need a second..." 

Y/N: "What happened?"

Bob: "It was... intense... It felt like the whole world was ending. I kept hearing 'look to the stars, look to the stars' and they just kept looking back. I lost you and didn't know what to do... I was scared..."

Y/N: "That sounds terrible..."

Bob: "It was... I think that was the worst nightmare yet..."

Y/N: "They've been getting worse lately, do you think you wanna see a doctor or something?"

Bob: "If this doesn't end soon I'm gonna have to. I haven't had a good night's sleep for a while now..."

Y/N: "If it'll help I can call off work today and we can stay here and relax. It can be like a little mental health day."

Bob: "You don't need to do that. I'll be fine..."

Y/N: "Are you sure?"

Bob: "Yeah, yeah... I just need to clear my head..." He says getting up to go put on a robe and a pair of slippers.

Y/N: "Where are you going?"

Bob: "I'm just gonna go take a little walk to ease my mind, I won't go far."

Y/N: "Do you want me to come with you?"

Bob: "No, you should stay here and go back to sleep. I don't want you showing up to work looking like one of those cadavers cause of me heheh."

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