Chapter 3: The Awakening 📚

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The morning light floods through your picture window onto the coffee table in front of you. The air is cold, but you are still warm and comfy. Just barely conscious, thinking, 'I never want to get up.' As you lie still, heated air blows down upon you. Before you could even finish thinking, 'is someone breathing on me?' You immediately wake up to realize that last night was 100% real. With Bob's grasp loosened, you're able to escape, but the movement wakes Bob up in the process. Bob immediately gets up as you fall onto the floor, trying to break free.

Y/N: "WAIT WAIT Wait, I have a PERFECTLY good EXPLAINATION to this. I didn't mean to do ANYTHING." Bob stands there, confused.

Y/N: "You fell asleep on the couch. I went ahead and turned off the TV, but I'm guessing you thought I was a blanket or whatever and just pulled me over. I tried waking you up and escaping, but nothing worked, so I was just stuck...." He gives you a weird look, not knowing what to think or how to feel about this.

Y/N: "What? Do you think anybody in their right mind would 𝘸𝘪𝘭𝘭𝘪𝘯𝘨𝘭𝘺 sleep next to a serial killer all night long?"

Bob: "My apologies. I had no idea I did anything like that in my sleep. I hardly sleep at all..."

Y/N: "Me neither... Anything you want for breakfast?"

Bob: "I don't have much of a preference."

Y/N: "French toast it is."

You go into the kitchen to see if you have everything you need for breakfast. Except for the eggs, you have the majority of the ingredients. There's not much food in the fridge besides a half-empty 2-liter bottle of soda, a week-old to-go box, and an unopened package of expired bologna. You reasoned, 'I must have used up the rest of my food for last night's dinner.' You shut the fridge door and turn around to see Bob watching you through the kitchen doorway.

Y/N: "Fuck, I thought I told you to knock!"

Bob: "Sorry, I'll try to remember next time."

Y/N: "Anyways, I'm all out of eggs for the French toast."

Bob: "Did you know that blood can make a great substitute for eggs in any recipe? About 65 grams of blood per egg will do the trick."

Y/N: "Haha, No. We're out of almost everything anyways. I'm going to have to go to the grocery store." Bob doesn't like the sound of this but doesn't have much of a choice.

Y/N: "Don't touch anything while I'm gone. I'll be back in about an hour."

You get ready and leave. In the car, some thoughts pass through your head. 'This could be my chance to go out and ask for help, but what if the cult finds out? What if Bob finds out? Is Bob even his real name? No. I can't trust anybody here. Anyone can be affiliated with them. It's best to play it safe and wait for things to die down.' Pulling into the store parking lot, you see people holding up signs, protesting for the removal of Mayor Evermore from office.

Protester 1: "This town has gone downhill since he was elected into office!"

Protester 2: "The police are poorly funded and poorly trained! Mayor Evermore has done nothing about this!"

'hooo boy,' you thought to yourself, pulling your hood over your head. You quietly walk in, trying your best not to drive any attention toward yourself. You walk up and down the aisles, grabbing about a month's worth of food. You walk by the meat section and pass by an old priest. He looks in your direction. You look away, but he starts to approach. You quietly panic.

Priest: "Here, I think you'll need this."

He hands you a bottle of holy water, but he walks away before you can ask anything.
'That was weird,' you thought as you put the holy water in your pocket. You finish up shopping and go through the checkout. Just when you get outside the door, you hear the protesters talking with someone.

John: "This is not a legal protest. I'm going to have to ask you all to leave."

Protester: "We have a right to free speech! Mayor Evermore has ignored our requests for ages!"

'Fuck! It's John and Jack.' you start picking up the pace and quickly walk towards your car to put in the groceries.

Jack: "Wait, is that Y/N? Hi Y/N!!"

John: "Wait, it is? Y/N, wait!"

As Jack and John start to approach you. You begin to panic, throw the rest of the groceries in the trunk, and rush to the driver's seat. You back out and drive away before Jack and John can get to you. 

Jack: "What was that all about?"

John: "Not sure... but something strange is definitely happening."

You park in your driveway and carry in the groceries. Hopefully, this will be enough. Right? You open the front door and hear Bob muttering to himself in the kitchen. You peek around the corner and see his eyes widen, and his iris is a bright shade of blue. It's almost glowing. You can't hardly make out what he's saying.

In Bob's point of view, a shadowy figure stands tall in front of him. He nervously paces around, trying to negotiate with 𝘩𝘪𝘮.

Bob: "There is no reason to kill Y/N. They are of great help to me."

Ḅ̴̢̤̀̍͊#̶͈̘̕ͅ#̷̳̱̿̍̋͆z̶̬̬͎̦͇͑̽l̴̯̦̄̔̍̀̕ě̶͍̮#̸̘͔̺̅̓u̸̞̥͆̋̾̂̕b̵̹̼͕̗̎̀ : "They know too much, If this information gets into the wrong hands, it'll be the end of the cult as we know it."

Bob: "We could indoctrinate them. They could join!"

Ḅ̴̢̤̀̍͊#̶͈̘̕ͅ#̷̳̱̿̍̋͆z̶̬̬͎̦͇͑̽l̴̯̦̄̔̍̀̕ě̶͍̮#̸̘͔̺̅̓u̸̞̥͆̋̾̂̕b̵̹̼͕̗̎̀ : "They are of no use to us. You have failed to exterminate Lila and her child. If you fail to do this simple task, your life will be taken once more. Would you like me to take full control over you like last time?"

Bob: "No, there's no need. I'll get right on it."

Back to your point of view, you walk into the kitchen with the groceries in hand.

Y/N: "Hey Bob, I'm back with the groceries, is everything okay?"

Bob doesn't respond. He stands there silently with his back turned.

Y/N: "Bob?..."

He slowly turns his head. His menacing grin stretched further across his face. Something is 𝘥𝘦𝘧𝘪𝘯𝘪𝘵𝘦𝘭𝘺 wrong.

Y/N: "Bob? Are you okay? What's going on?"

He pulls a knife out from behind his back and starts to approach you. Terrified, you drop the groceries and run up the stairs to your bedroom closet, hoping to give you enough time to call the police.

911 Operator: "911, What's your emergency?"

Y/N: "Yes? Hello! There's someone here trying to kill me! He has a knife, and I think I can hear him coming up the stairs right now!"

911 Operator: "What is your location?"

Y/N: "Yes, I'm at-"

Before you can answer, a knife lunges through the closet door next to your face, destroying your phone. As Bob opens the closet door, you let out a terrifying scream.

Y/N: "This wasn't part of the deal!!"

Bob: "I had a better change of plans."

He swings the knife and hits the drywall behind you. While it's stuck, you try to escape past him, but before you can reach the door, he grabs you and pins you up against the wall.

Y/N: "Please! Let me go!" You say, as Bob lets out a dreadful laugh.

Bob: "No can do."

He presses his knife up against your neck. It looks like this is it. You're about to die. As a last resort, you take the holy water out of your pocket and throw it right in Bob's face. He lets out an agonizing scream and covers his eyes. It's almost as if you can see steam coming from him.

Y/N: "Holy fuck, you are possessed."

You ran down to the bottom of the stairs. Bob doesn't take long to follow. Bob uses the railing at the top of the stairs to hold himself up.

Bob: "please, h e l p m e." You hear his plea.

You pause and think about what to do. Suddenly you realize, the priest! He should be able to help him. You open the drawer to your buffet and grab a pair of handcuffs. They were a gift from Jack a while back. Finally, it's being put to good use. You run up to Bob, grab his arms, and put them in handcuffs.

Y/N: "This is for your own safety. I know someone that can help, but we need to hurry."

Both you and Bob hop into your car. You start the car and start driving towards the church. Hopefully, the priest will be able to help.

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