Chapter 4: Purification 📚 💔

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In the car's passenger seat, Bob drifts in and out of consciousness. You take a ramp onto the highway in a rush, speeding and weaving your way through traffic. Not long after, you hear sirens behind you with red and blue flashing lights. 

Y/N: "Shit, I don't have time for this." You said as you continued speeding through. Just then, you hear something coming from the speaker of the cop car. 

John: "Pull over now. You are in violation of multiple traffic laws!" 

Jack: "Pull over! or we will shoot!!"

John: "Quit taking the radio out of my hand!" 

It's Jack and John! Maybe they'll be able to help! You complied, pulled over to the side of the road, and then hopped out of the car. John and Jack do the same.

John: "Y/N? What the hell do you think you were doing? Do you know how fast you were-"

Y/N: "This is an emergency! It's Bob. He's been possessed. I need to get to the church and ask the priest for help."

Jack: "Woah, really?"

John: "How do you know he's being possessed?"

Y/N: "I think the cult is making him do this. At the grocery store, a priest gave me some holy water. When I threw it on Bob, he stopped trying to kill me and instead pleaded for help. Please! We need to hurry." 

John: "Okay, let us escort you there." 

Jack and John went back into the police car and started driving ahead with the siren and lights on. You followed them as they escorted you to the church. Once you arrive, you help Bob out of the car and bring him to the door. Jack and John knock on the door. 

John: "Local Police! Open Up!"

Jack: "Now! This is an emergency!"

The priest walks over to the door and pulls it open. He looks up to see Bob barely standing before him. 

Priest: "Why have you brought this devil fiend to my church?!" He says in a loud and powerful voice.

Y/N: "He needs your help! I have reason to believe he's being possessed. Is there anything that you can do for him?" 

The priest takes a moment to think and then lets you all inside. 

Priest: "This will not be an easy task. We need to go ahead and restrain him down on this table." he says, clearing everything off onto the floor. 

You, Jack, and John help Bob to the table. The priest hands you some chains to restrain him on it. Bob gives you a worried look. You can tell that he's afraid about what will happen next, so you try to comfort him. 

Y/N: "It's going to be okay. This will all be over soon, I promise." You reassured him while holding his hand. 

Bob immediately gives you a crazed look on his face, and in the blink of an eye, he rips his arm out of Jack's grasp before he can restrain him down and stabs you directly in the shoulder. He starts laughing maniacally as you fall to the ground in pain. 

John and Jack: "Y/N!!" 

Bob?: "Muahahah!! You'll NEVER get rid of me. I'll ALWAYS be a part of him!!" 

The priest quickly restrains the loose arm and takes away the knife. 

John: "Are you okay?"

Jack: "Are you going to DIE?!"

Y/N: "No, I'll be okay. He didn't hit anything vital... I don't think." You said, holding your arm and using the pew to support yourself back up. 

Priest: "Stand back! While I perform the ritual." 

You all take a step back and watch. The priest takes out a book, a cross, and some holy water. He sprinkles the holy water on Bob and starts reciting a prayer. Bob struggles in the chains trying to break free but to no avail. The chains do not seem to be bothered. 

B̵͎̄̂ͅė̸̻̰e̸͉͉͌z̸̡̻̉l̴̢̄͐e̴̯͛̓͜b̸̮̠̿u̴̼̐b̵̛̻̤̂: "It's no use, I'm too Powerful to be 𝘴𝘵𝘰𝘱𝘱𝘦𝘥!" 

The priest only recites the prayer louder and sprinkles more holy water onto Bob. The atmosphere turns dark, and a glowing greenish-blue color radiates softly from Bob. This causes him to struggle in the chains even more.

Priest: "We drive you from us, whoever you may be, unclean spirits, all satanic powers, all infernal invaders, all wicked legions, assemblies, and sects." 

The wind starts picking up in the church. The priest's robe flows in the wind, and the pages in his book begin to fly around. This does not bother the priest, for he has the prayer memorized by heart. As he continues, the greenish-blue glow radiates even brighter around Bob, causing him to struggle even more. You, Jack, and John watch in awe as the ritual is performed. The wind starts to howl, causing the priest to recite the prayer even louder. Bob screams in pain, wishing for all of this to end. Eventually, a demon-like figure rises from Bob's chest and floats above all of you. The mere presence of this demon strikes fears deep into all of your hearts. You can hardly believe what you're witnessing. 

B̵͎̄̂ͅė̸̻̰e̸͉͉͌z̸̡̻̉l̴̢̄͐e̴̯͛̓͜b̸̮̠̿u̴̼̐b̵̛̻̤̂: "This hasn't been the last you've seen of me! I will ALWAYS COME BACK. ALWAYS!! I AM BUT A TUMOR TO THIS MORTAL WORLD. UNCURABLE AND ETERNAL." 
Priest: "Begone! You Foul and Wretched Demon!!" The priest declares as he shoves the cross into the demon's chest.

The demon lets out a harrowing wail as he disappears from the room. The wind dies down as soon as he leaves, and the greenish glow fades away. Jack, John, and the Priest take the restraints off of Bob. It took a second for him to get up. The ritual took a lot of energy out of him. Bob takes off the mask and looks at you. He then gives you a big, deep, and meaningful hug. Jack and John watch cautiously, making sure Bob doesn't do anything to hurt you. 

Bob: "Thank you so much." he uttered as he sobbed. 

You gave back a one-armed hug. The room starts to go dark, and your vision goes blurry. Your good arm is weakened, and you begin to go limp. Shortly after, you lose consciousness in Bob's arms. Bob notices this and looks at your shoulder. He sees that you have lost a lot of blood. 

Bob: "We need to take them to a hospital. Quickly!"

Bob carries you to Jack and John's police car. He sits in the back with you still in his arms. John hastily turns on the ignition, activates the sirens, and then immediately drives toward the nearest hospital. Jack sits in the front but is turned around quietly, watching you to make sure that you'll be okay.

Bob: "You'll alright, it'll all be alright.." He says with a shaky voice, unsure of what will happen next. 

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