Chapter 6: Connection💕

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[If you're just here for the fluff, here's a summary of what has happened thus far. If you've read all the chapters, I love and appreciate you, and you can skip this bit, lol. You're a forensics scientist who accidentally brought Bob back to life, and to avoid being killed, you offered him dinner. Bob skeptically accepts this offer. It was so good that he decided to spare you, but with all the activity going on outside, he stays with you in your apartment for a while until it all dies down. Unfortunately, you run out of food and must go to the grocery store. A weird priest gave you a bottle of holy water at the store for some unknown reason. When you get back, you discover that a demon named Beelzebub has been possessing Bob. Beelzebub forces Bob to try and kill you since you "know too much information." As a last resort, you throw the bottle of holy water onto him, causing Beelzebub to weaken enough for Bob to ask for help. You take Bob to the priest, and on your way there, Jack and John decide to help. Before Bob can be restrained for the exorcism, he unexpectedly stabs you in the shoulder, causing you to lose blood quickly. After the exorcism, he quickly rushes you to the hospital. Eventually, you recover and get discharged back home, which brings us to now. Hooo boy, that was a lot, sorry, lol. I hope you enjoy! :D]

[Time Skip: To About 2 Months Later] 

After a long day at work, you finally get home. A delicious aroma fills the air as you open the front door. Someone's been cooking in the kitchen.

Y/N: "It smells good in here. Are you making dinner?"

Bob: "Mhm, I'm making your favorite! I've been working on it all day." 

Y/N: "Oh wow, what's the special occasion?"

Bob: "Oh, uh, nothing really. Just as a thanks for letting me stay here as I get back up on my feet." 

Y/N: "Aw, you don't have to do all of this for me."

Bob: "But I want to! It's the least I could do." 

Y/N: "Aww, thank you! You're too sweet." 

Bob: "I'm thinking maybe after dinner we could watch a movie together on the couch. How does that sound?"

Y/N: "Sounds like you're trying to ask me out on a date." 

Bob: "Oh, I er, uhm. *clears throat* That's not what I was insinuating, but I uh- oh wait, this is done." Bob looks over to the stove and turns it off. It looks like dinner's almost ready. He's certainly acting differently than usual. 

Bob: "Dinner will be ready in about 5 minutes. It just needs to cool down."

Y/N: "I can't wait." 

Bob gets the table ready and places down the food. He looks excited and nervous at the same time. You can tell that something is up. You and Bob sit at the table and begin eating your meal. 

Bob: "So, how is it?" 

Y/N: "It's amazing! I think you might be a better cook than I am."

Bob: "Thank you, I'm glad you really like it."

Y/N: "So, what kind of movie do you plan on watching?" 

Bob: "Oh, uh, anything you'd like!"

Y/N: "Really? You're being awfully nice to me today."

Bob: "I'm always nice to you, aren't I?"

Y/N: "Of course! But this just seems extra special to me."

Bob: "It's not too much, is it?"

Y/N: "Oh no, not at all! I'm just really happy you'd put all this effort in just for me."

Bob: "Well, I'm happy that you're happy." 

You continue with your dinner, and after a while, Bob gets a nervous look on his face. It seems like he wants to tell you something.

Y/N: "Anything wrong?"

Bob: "Oh no, it's n-nothing. I- *clears throat.* I've just been meaning to ask you something."
Y/N: "What is it?" You said with a content expression.

Bob: "Well... *he takes a deep breath* It's just that, for the past couple of months, you've been so incredibly nice to me. You've done so much more for me than you could ever realize. This is the first time in years that I really felt 'awake,' so to speak. You make me really happy, and I was wondering.... if I could be happy with you..."

Your eyes lit up as he spoke. Hearing those words makes your heart flutter into the air. You've felt the same way about him for a long time. You're at a loss for words as a light pink flush through your cheeks. 

Bob: "If you don't feel the same way, that's completely okay. I'll understand. I don't want to make you feel obligated to like me back."
Y/N: "Oh no, it's just that.... you have no idea how much I've wanted to ask you the same thing." 

Bob's expression brightens up as he gives you a radiant smile. He feels ecstatic to know you feel the same way. 

Bob: "Well, if I knew that, I would've asked you sooner, heheh." 

Both of you finish dinner. Bob takes your plate and cleans up the table. You walk into the living room and pick out your favorite movie. Bob walks in and sits down on the couch. 

Bob: "So, what are we watching?"

Y/N: "One of my favorites, Have you ever seen this before?"

Bob: "I don't think I have."

Y/N: "Oh, it's really good! You're gonna love it." 

You sit down on the couch beside him and start the movie. Not long after it starts, you scooch over close to him and lean up against him. He wraps his arm around you as you lay your head on his chest. You continue watching the movie listening to his heartbeat. After a while, you look up at him, smiling at him.

Y/N: "How are you enjoying it so far?"

Bob: "It's really good! Very interesting. I can see why it's your favorite."

Y/N: "Good, I'm glad you're enjoying it." You say as you give him a small kiss on the cheek. He blushes a little and can't help but smile. You can feel his heartbeat go a little faster as you lie back down on his chest. 

As the movie continues, Bob gently rubs his hand up and down your back. He's almost too perfect for cuddling with. He's just so soft and warm that you can stay like this for hours. You feel yourself getting drowsy as the movie nears its end. Eventually, you fall asleep comfortably in his arms. 

The next day you awoke to find yourself on top of a peacefully sleeping Bob. He makes an excellent bed, considering he's essentially a heat bank. You want to get up but find that it's practically impossible. You're way too comfy to get up now. Not long after, Bobs eye's open up to see you cozily sleeping on top of him. 

Bob: "Uh... hi." He gives a nervous smile. 

'Crap! he's awake! I should've moved when I had the chance.' You say in your mind. You try and pretend that you're still asleep. 

Bob: "I can see that you're awake... You had your eyes open just now." 

Y/N: "Uhhhh Goodmornniinnggg, How are you?" 

Bob: "Good morning... Did you sleep well?" 

Y/N: "Yeah, did you?"

Bob: "Yeah... You look really cozy right now."

Y/N: "I am. You make the perfect bed. You're much more comfortable than the one I normally sleep on."

Bob: "Is that so?"

Y/N: "Mhm, you're really soft and warm. You're too perfect to cuddle with. I could stay like this for hours."

Bob: "Aww, thanks. I think you're great to cuddle with too."

Y/N: "Aww, thank you!"

You can't help but give him a smooch on the cheek. He blushes and sinks down into the neck of his sweater, smiling. This only makes you want to kiss him even more! You give him another smooch on the other side of his cheek. He sinks further into his sweater. 

Y/N: "Don't try and hide away from me. I haven't even gotten a kiss back!" 

You give him even more kisses. Which only turns him into a big blushy mess.

Y/N: "I won't stop until you give me one back." you say as you continue giving him kisses all over his face. 

Eventually, he lifts his head and accidentally kisses you right on the lips. Realizing this, he immediately pulls back. 

Bob: "Oh, sorry!! I just meant to just kiss your cheek. I didn't mean to kiss you on the lips just yet." His face turns almost as red as his sweater, but you give him a reassuring smile. 

Y/N: "I think you just need better aim. Luckily, I have great aim."

You lean in and kiss him on the lips. Bob closes his eyes and kisses you back as he wraps his arms around you. You then lay your head back down onto his chest and listen to his heartbeat rapidly. 

Y/N: "You're adorable... you know that?"

Bob: "Y-yeah.. still not as adorable as you..." 

Y/N: "Awwww!"

Bob: "You know one thing, though."

Y/N: "And what's that?"

Bob: "It's my turn now."

Bob immediately sits up and starts kissing you all over your face and neck. You can't help but giggle and smile with each kiss he gives. After a while, Bob's hand begins to run through the hair on your head as you go back to cuddling each other. This is the happiest You and Bob have ever been. 

[The next chapter will be about spicy stuff, so make sure to give a vote btw and give me suggestions on what you'd like to see 👀]

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