Chapter 13: Desperation Investigation 📚💔

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[TW: Blood, Dead Bodies, Knives, Very Angst >:)]

The next morning, you awoke to see Bob peacefully sleeping next to you. He's been holding you in his arms all night long. You look over to see what time it is. 7:58 A.M it says on the clock. 'Shoot, the alarms are about to go off any minute now.' you think to yourself. Normally, you're able to turn the alarm off quickly enough so that it doesn't bother Bob. However, being stuck in his grasp might make this more challenging. The alarm goes off, but it's just out of reach. Panicked, you push yourself off Bob, accidentally hitting his face as you turn it off.

Y/N: "Ah! Sorry!! I didn't mean to wake you, I was trying to turn off the alarm."

Bob: "Heheh, well good morning to ya too! " He says giving a small chuckle.

Y/N: "Did you sleep well last night?"

Bob: "Yes actually, I feel a lot better now... Did you stay with me all night long?"

Y/N: "Of course! I can stay with you all day too if you'd like."

Bob: "Are you sure? I don't want to keep you from your job cause of me."

Y/N: "Oh please, nothing ever interesting happens in this town. All me and Patty do all day is boring paperwork. I'm sure she'll be fine without me for one day, heheh."

Bob: "It would feel nice to be... spoiled some more... I mean, only if you want to!"

Y/N: "Awww!!! Of course! Just let me call Patty and tell her I'm taking the day off real quick."

You pick up the phone and call her.

Patty: "Hello?"

Y/N: "Hey Patty! It's me, I was wanting to call you and let you know I'm taking the day off for a family emergency. I hope you understand."

Patty: "Wait Today?! I need you! There has been a major accident and we need all hands on deck. Something terrible has happened. Are you sure you absolutely cannot come in today?"

Y/N: "Wait what happened? What's going on??"

Patty: "Just come down and I'll explain. Please, hurry!"

She hangs up the phone, leaving you concerned and confused.

Bob: "What's going on? She didn't sound too happy."

Y/N: "I don't know. I've never heard her sound like that before. Something bad happened I need to go down there, quickly."

Bob: "What about breakfast? You can't leave without eating something."

Y/N: "There's no time, this is clearly an emergency." You say, rushing around to get ready.

Bob: "Please be careful." He says with a worried look on his face. Seeing this, you stop and go over to give him a big hug.

Y/N: "I will, I promise. The forensics lab is one of the safest places to be in!" 

Bob: "Okay well, if you have any trouble, please call me."

Y/N: "Alrighty, I will." 

You give him a kiss goodbye before getting ready to leave. You hop in your car and drive to the forensics lab. When you arrive you walk through the main entrance which greets you with a bunch of office cubicles. There are lots of people rushing around and talking. It's usually never this busy. You overhear a conversation from one of the workers. 

Worker 1: "Did you hear what happened to those two police officers?"

Worker 2: "Yeah, it's such a shame." 

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