10. Doing what is best...for who?

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The gang had a great idea up their sleeves. Unfortunately I was the main piece of their plan.

The giant didn't keep me alone for one second, not even as my eyes wandered to the drink cart. No one seem to care that a human was walking around all those other creatures. Surely I must have stand out...but no...nothing. The crisps were delicious but somehow I had this salty taste in my mouth I couldn't get out. Green noticed my disgusted expression as I stuck my tongue out. Suddenly, my back was pushed towards the cart.

The poor man shivered under the glare, while I smiled uncomfortably. His finger pointed at the drinks while his head went in my direction.
"Hm" was all he said.
Assuming he meant to choose something, I picked a bottle that looked like soda. The owner held it up whispering slowly, " That would be..."
The big guy terrified him to a great length, that he even broke his cart in pieces. The next I was pulled up and sat on his right shoulder.

The gang stared in disbelieve at the scene. The fancy rat Danny, sees a problem in that behaviour, "Boys, we may wait with our previous plan."
For Leon was this a total no-go, "We never backed down on a job!"
"It's on hold, we get back to it...but first...we might take this whole situation to our advantage."

In the meantime, the turtles have arrived at the docks. Hueso greeted a few fellow pirates his brother used to know, before going to the biggest and roughest bar. At the entrance he stopped and looked back at the turtles, "Listen up, these yokai do not like to be questioned or to be played with, keep a low profile and remain unnoticed...understood?"

Donnie, Raph and Mikey nodded in approval...


Everyone jumped, once they heard the door slammed open.


His brothers panicked, "LEO!!!!"

Inside, the bar turned silent, deadly silent. For the perfect opportunity to announce his arrival, "Greetings my man, I am looking for a human girl..."
The yokai he stepped towards growled at him, while he leaned against their table, "...sweet, handsome, a goddess in disguise..."

His brother could only facepalm themselves at Leo's foolish negotiation.

But that didn't stop him to get tot he next guys, grabbing their hair, "gorgeous hair like this guy, sweet tender hands...like these". Some yokai stood up and stepped forward, as Leo turned around, "...and she is a total turtle magnet...for me, the great Leonardo!"

Hueso sighted loudly at this, "So much for keeping a low profile."

Raph notice the tension filling the air, getting on blue's side, "Forget it Leo, it is not worth asking them?"

"Why not?" He went back to he guys with the hair and hands, "Surely she gave them some beauty tips on their looks...by the way, you look handsome boys."

For the skeleton not a good sign, "He's got a death wish"

Raphael got uneasy as everyone was closing in. He told Donnie and Mikey to take Hueso out, while he and Leo took care of these guys.

Two creatures enjoyed the entertainment, eating away popcorn and watch for the turtles to get into action. However, their question for a human girl got then thinking.

"Is that the same girl our master had lost?"

The other shrugged, "Who else? Don't you remember how he threw a tantrum at home? Those turtles got in the way of capturing her."

"Shhh, it about to start."

It sure was a sight to behold.
While the others waited outside, Raph's mystic powers destroyed the entire bar with three punches.

Purple moaned frustrated, "Did he have to go that far?"


Something flew past them into the water. Raph stepped out to the ruins, stomping his feet, "You couldn't stop goofying off, could you Leo!?"

Mikey helped blue out the water, while purple took his sword. Leo watched in disbelieve as red pulled it over his shoulder.

"That's my sword Raph!"

"As long as you can't stop being a child , you won't get back your sword!"

"Just because you're the oldest, is it not up to you to take away my stuff!"

Raph's vein poped up, gesturing towards the damage, "This is your doing for being silly! We could have prevented this if you would just listen to me!"

Leo clenched his fists, looking away.

"Grow up!"
With that he stomped away, followed by his brothers. The only one staying at blue's side, is Hueso.

"Don't bone man, just don't"

The skeleton nodded before walking off...only to say out loud, "I hope your girlfriend is proud of you".

That really hit him hard.

"I tried to find answers..."

"Your goal is clear, but your mind isn't in the same place" Hueso reffered to his behaviour, "You bounce around and hit dead ends."

"What are you getting at?"

"Just listen to your brother's and support them wih your mind" his eyes looked away, staring into the sea, "I didn't do that back then, that's how I grew apart from my brother. Don't go the same path."

"But no one trust me"

Leo watched as Hueso pointed at his head, "Then stop behaving like a kid, act like an adult. After all, you do this to get your girl back, right?"

Blue hesitated, before nodding, "Thank you Senior Hueso."

"...no need for that...afterall...I still don't get it..."


"...how can a girl fall for for you?"

"...she is not desperate, is she?"

Leo frowned big time, pushing the man into the water, "The only one desperate enough was me, asking for your help."

Hueso spilled out some water, glaring, "You wouldn't survive in this place on your own."

"Oh yeah, try me" with that, Leo went the other way. His brothers haven't noticed his absence, until Hueso shouted for blue to come back. He ran after him.

Raph clenched his fists in anger, only to release it the next, "...Leo..."

"Raph?" Mikey held his arm, as the voice of the snapping turtle broke.

"I was too harsh on him, what kind of a brother am I?" Self doubt got the best of him, making him panic.

"But I only wanted to do what's best for Leo"

Mikey assured him, that it will be alright. Donnie on the other hand, was acting unaffected, "So shall we get him back?"

Red snapped, "What kind of question is that?! Of course we get him back!"

He held his hands up in defense, "That's not what I meant. I mean we don't have to look for him, as I have a tracking device on him, were we can locate his whereabouts."

Mikeys eyes twitched, "Donald, I thought we discussed it. No more tracking devices on your brothers".

Donatello just smirked akward, "suuureeee....but in this case, it was worth it."

His little brother glared at purple, "We discuss this later."

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