you cannot intimidate a ghost.

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The team camaraderie was crucial, and Soap remained my all-time favorite companion. Last night, we engaged in a spirited discussion with Roach about whether Italian or Chinese food was superior. It ended in a playful squabble...

Last night...

Approaching the table, I greeted my new team of forces, "Hey, what's the debate here?"

They paused, glancing up. "Ah, Lilith, right?" said Soap. I grinned, saying, "Call me Kymera. But just for tonight!"

Roach chimed in, "Maybe Kymera knows best. Italian or Chinese. She'd say Chinese."

I looked at him incredulously, "How dare you? African food reigns supreme! You must be mad if you've never tried fufu."

They exchanged glances until Price intervened, "Indeed, Africa boasts the finest cuisine. How about ordering that tonight? Kymera seems to have excellent recommendations."

As I turned to see Price at the door, Roach chimed in, "You do know Africa isn't a country... We have over 50+ choices."

Agreeing, I said, "Clever, Roach. Let's go for Ethiopian tonight. It's been a while."

Price redirected me, "Kymera, we need to talk. Let the boys handle the food. Come on."

Entering Price's office, I noticed his clenched fists. He gestured for me to sit and then gazed out the window before addressing me.

"We need a plan. We can't let him escape; the federation's expansion must be halted. Shouldn't Ghost be involved?" He sighed, "Ghost doesn't need to know."

1 hour later...

I returned to Roach and Soap's location, shouting, "Hope you've ordered food; otherwise, I might need to slit someone's throat."

Playing with my knife, rolling it on my finger, created a powerful and intimidating persona—a look I aimed for.

Seeing milk glasses on the table, I scoffed, "You guys are delicate."

Approaching the food, I spotted my favorite dish, tibs. Flavorful and enticing, I picked it and sat down. "Cheers, boys. White folks should handle this food."

Soap looked a little flustered, "Excuse me, I need to find Ghost," and dashed off. 'Odd.'

As I finished eating and discussed with Price and Roach, a familiar, deep voice sent shivers down my spine.

"Where's Soap?" I turned to see Ghost. Price answered, "Soap was looking for you over an hour ago; he might be nearby."

Ghost's voice turned robotic, "Code 6, Soap missing." His intense gaze met mine, conveying a chilling message.

"You might as well look for him; he can't be far," I suggested.

As he loaded his gun, he stormed towards the toilet doors, ripping one off to reveal Soap on the toilet, praying. Bursting into laughter, everyone joined except Ghost, devoid of emotions.

After Soap's little incident, we all settled, and I sipped wine I had brought, which seemed peculiar to the others.

"Kymera, you always have to stand out, huh?" joked Joseph.

"Joseph, right? Well, I prefer a unique taste," I retorted.

Curious, Joseph inquired about my moniker, the "black widow of the British army." I hesitated but eventually shared my backstory.

"Price named me that for my ruthlessness—I killed men, making their wives widows. Killing was a hobby until I took a break. Lilith strikes fear; she's the devil's favorite woman."


Today, I woke early and headed to the nearby beach for a stroll, settling down to read 'The Devil Wears Prada.' Sensing someone's presence, I readied my gun, only to be grabbed.

"What did you think you were doing, Lilith?" Ghost's voice echoed.

I broke free, feeling a dissociation I hadn't experienced in ages, rendering my mind black. "Touch me again, and I'll end you, Ghost."

He stepped back, asserting, "You can't intimidate a ghost. Try better next time," before walking away.

Returning to base, I picked up a lollipop from a street vendor. In the midst of the team's gathering, General Shepard acknowledged me, nodding. I stood, waiting to be briefed on our mission plan, determined to make it a success, alone or not.

a ghosts task, SIMON RILEY X OCWhere stories live. Discover now