Are you there..

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I'M BACK! It has been such a long time but I hope you will all enjoy some new content, xoxo
I have been taking Cambridge English since the end of 2022 and have been gone to make my content better! I will not really follow the exact same storyline from the gameplay but give my own little twist to it. I hope y'all like that!


The little device cracked, and through the static, I strained to hear Xuan's voice, though it was far from clear. "Sereia, are you there? Sereia?..."

I hesitated for a moment, unsure of how to proceed. I had taken on a new identity as Sereia, alongside Xuan, my partner, establishing our name in the underworld. Yet, I had returned to my old times in the military, Kymera, undercover within the 141 to gather vital intelligence about Hassan and those deadly missiles.

Summoning my resolve, I responded with the familiar coldness that had become my shield. "Hassan possesses missiles supplied by the United States. We must gather ourselves, or our fate is sealed." The dangerous world of espionage and intrigue seemed to draw me further into its shadow, but little did I know that my path would soon cross with a figure from my past, Simon "Ghost" Riley, igniting a dark and unexpected romance amidst the chaos.

Simon, his voice laced with tension, confronted me. "Kymera, is that really you? After all this time? Why did you come back?"

I met his gaze with an icy resolve, my heart concealed beneath layers of espionage and deceit. "This isn't the time for questions, Ghost. The world's on the brink of destruction, and I have a mission to complete."

His grip tightened on his weapon, his mistrust evident. "You left without a word. We thought you were dead. Now you show up.."

My facade remained steadfast, though his words stung deep. "I had my reasons, Ghost, reasons that you could never understand. Betrayal is a currency I'm all too familiar with."

As the tension between us grew, it became clear that the bond we once shared had been eroded by secrets and betrayal, leaving a cold and distant chasm between us in this perilous world of shadowy intrigue.

I turned away from Ghost, my resolve unbroken, and headed back towards the base. The anger welled up within me, threatening to burst forth, but I maintained my cool facade. The mission was of paramount importance, and my emotions were an unnecessary distraction.

"Kymera," Ghost called after me, his voice tinged with frustration and hurt. "You can't just walk away like this."

I paused for a moment, not turning back to face him, and replied with a voice as cold as steel, "I can and I will, Ghost. The world doesn't stop for emotions. We'll talk when this mission is over if I still want to."

Leaving Ghost alone in the shadows, I returned to the murky world of espionage, my heart heavy with the weight of secrets and the bitter taste of old betrayal I wanted to ignore.

I made my way to my chambers, the echoes of Ghost's voice still lingering in the corridors of my mind. As the hot water cascaded down in the shower, I let my guard down, if only for a moment. The memories of our past, of moments we'd shared together, came rushing back.

I closed my eyes and let the water wash over me, unable to escape the truth. Deep down, I secretly missed Ghost, his strength, and the unwavering loyalty he had once shown me. But as the steam enveloped me, I felt a different kind of satisfaction in my new life of luxury and power, alongside Xuan.

Yet, my frustration was undeniable. The fact that Ghost had tried to kill me, a moment of shocking betrayal, remained etched in my memory. It was a wound that still festered, a betrayal that had carved a scar into my heart. I never got his reaction I thought I was helping them, sometimes you need to play dirty to get what your expected to do from the states.

As the water continued to cleanse my body, I couldn't help but wonder if there was a way to reconcile my old life with my new one. The complexities of this twisted shit, in the world of now espionage weighed heavily on my shoulders, leaving me conflicted and yearning for resolution.

The sun hung high in the sky as we gathered in the dusty streets of Mexico, a motley crew of operatives, each bearing their own burdens of secrecy and purpose. Alejandro, Soap, Ghost, Rudy, and I stood together, a tense energy crackling in the air.

Ghost's piercing blue eyes bore into mine, a silent demand for answers. "Kymera, where the hell have you been all this time?"

I met his gaze with a steely resolve, the practiced mask of Sereia hiding the turmoil beneath. "I've been off the grid, attending to my own affairs. It's a dangerous world out there, Ghost."

Soap interjected, his voice edged with curiosity. "We thought you were gone for good. What brought you back?"

I chose my words carefully, weaving a tale of deception. "Certain circumstances forced me to resurface. Some debts are never truly paid."

As we delved deeper into the heart of the cartel operation, tension simmered beneath the surface, the weight of our pasts lingering in the air. Conversations were guarded, questions measured, but the unspoken truth hung heavy among us. My disappearance remained a mystery, concealed behind layers of deception and a fabricated identity.

With each step we took, I couldn't shake the feeling that the delicate web of lies was drawing closer to unraveling, threatening to expose the truth that I was not just Kymera, but, Sereia a woman caught between two worlds, torn by love and duty, and bound by secrets darker than the shadows we navigated.

The scorching Mexican sun beat down on us as we approached the heart of the cartel's operations. Our mission was to infiltrate their stronghold, a veritable fortress nestled deep within the arid desert. Alejandro, Soap, Ghost, Rudy, and I exchanged a series of tense glances, fully aware that this was a perilous undertaking.

As we surveyed the compound, Alejandro took the lead, barking orders in Spanish to his men. "Vamos, move in quietly. We need to take out their operations one by one."

Our task was to dismantle the cartel's infrastructure, a labyrinthine network of drug production and distribution. The tension was palpable as we moved with stealth, our conversations hushed, and our every action calculated.

Soap, his voice low, couldn't help but probe further. "Kymera, you never told us why you disappeared. What's the real story?"

I maintained myself, "Some things are better left unsaid, Johnny. Let's focus on the mission."

With each operation we disrupted, the tension between grew. The unspoken truth of my disappearance weighed heavily on my heart, but I couldn't afford to let it slip. In the midst of cartel chaos, I remained Lilith, the woman with a painful past, entangled in a web of deception.

The mission played out in a series of calculated moves, a symphony of destruction that was both thrilling and perilous. It was a dance of shadow and fire, one that revealed the darkest secrets of the cartel while keeping mine securely locked away.

This is gonna be hard to keep up with if I don't take down Hassan fast.

a ghosts task, SIMON RILEY X OCWhere stories live. Discover now