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The city of souls... so they called Las Almas that. The vibes here were such different from what I always felt, It was tense. 

"Mexico is such a beautiful city, I've been here many times already." 

Alejandro looked back "You must have enjoyed yourself much then, Mexico is a very corrupt country you know... But this is different." 

Soap involved himself in our conversation "I've never been to Mexico." As we all continued walking Alejandro said "This isn't Mexico, this is Las Almas." 

I just kept quiet for now, I think I shouldn't say too much in this mission or it will cost my life. 

As the silence continued for a few more seconds ghost went on about shepherds plans "Sheperd's contractors are inbound to reinforce. They're bringing hardware, they'll need room." 

As we walked towards the car Alejandro offered his base and called it "My base is your base." 

I was a little done with this "Okay we know that now, So Alejandro where is Hassan?" 

As everyone went into the car he replied while helping me enter the car "he's at the cartel-safe house. 10 clicks from here, and I'll help you get in."

As I stepped in I forgot these 2 big guys in the backseat would crush me, why couldn't I sit in front? But there I saw another person driving the car. Alejandro said his name was Rodolfo, Rodolfo Parra. Second in command and right hand of Alejandro. 

Rodolfo said something in Spanish I could slightly understand, "I fear ghosts." That is what I thought he said, a small smirk lit up on my face after he said that. 

as we drove out of the airport into the city of Las almas I felt uncomfortable. As I said, these 2 guys were crushing me mostly Simon, who sat like a king in his man spread. Was he trying to irritate me? because it was working. 

As we were driving further through this beautiful city full of colorful houses soap signaled something slowly reaching for his gun on his leg "White truck located, 4 armed guys in the back." 

I sighed and shook my head Alejandro instantly went to educate him on Mexico's or well, las Almas culture here "hey, tranquil. Easy...That's normal here. Guns on the streets is jurisdiction of the police." 

"In corrupt countries, it's mandatory to be armed, the police won't help you as they are just as corrupt as the cartels and government here." 

I looked at my fingers fidgeting with my hair tie as I had nothing better to do. "Where is the police?" Simon said. 

Alejandro looked from the car mirror to him "Well, Las Almas has a very serious problem. There are a few to uphold the law. And many of those who resist corruption...Disappear."

I looked up as Alejandro said that, everything is true, those people who try and resist it are the ones being a pain in the asses for companies like me. 

"What about the military?" soap asked, He wasn't familiar with how the system works in even worse countries than Scotland. 

"Well, because we are well trained, soldiers get recruited by the narcos. we didn't join them, we grew up here...They call us the Los Vaqueros, Cowboys...We love this place. And die fighting for it." He looked at soap in the back while saying that, trying to put more expression in his words. 

A few moments later we drove by a somehow teenager with a black mask and sunglasses on, something in me broke, as they were there standing fully armed while a child was buying a balloon. I looked at Simon, but he didn't look at me for one second, only at johnny. 

a ghosts task, SIMON RILEY X OCWhere stories live. Discover now