lions and fire

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A little note: This is season 1 of my story and it will approximately have 10 episodes or less before I'm going into the Hassan storyline, which is after the federation storyline. So grab your popcorn and let's continue! 

I woke up in a bed, it was the infirmary I sat up still in the same clothing as when we had this task.

I wanted to move my body up until I heard his goddamn sexy voice "You should rest sergeant. You got it rough, shot 3 times."

I looked at him and sarcastically said "I can handle these things, I experienced worse."

so I stood up, of course, I was in pain but I needed to shower. I felt his grip on my back "I said rest, Lilith." I grabbed his hand and coldly said "Walk. I need to shower."

and so he walked me towards my room. "Thank you ghost, Before you go I will be a watcher for the next few days. When we strike next I'll be here to help everyone."

he nodded and walked off, ghost.. such a quiet man, I wonder what goes on inside of his head. I undressed myself looking into the mirror, I accepted it full of burn marks and scars. I lived with it and there was no way to undo it, the thoughts made me rethink all those moments but I ignored them and took a well-deserved shower.

I was being careful of my new gun wounds. I put on something comfortable and my glasses, I was shocked my eyelash extensions were still fine.

I wasn't prepared to even go back to the army anytime soon but well here I am.

Walking was not an option. So I stayed in my room, I was hungry but I ignored my desire for some food, to distract myself I listened to some music until I fell asleep.

A few days later

I woke up, my wounds weren't as painful and I could walk for a good while so I walked towards the rec room where most of the team was.

Everyone was shocked to see me. I looked at everyone "Don't be so shocked, I'm not a grim reaper." and so I walked towards the kitchen to make some food.

I peeked through the door "I do hope you guys eat something? it is not so good for your muscles to be neglecting them. I see all of you have such a big ego about them."

Gaz answered this for me "We haven't eaten since yesterday." I walked back to the door with some yogurt and granola for myself

"Well then make your fucking breakfast, I know mommy made it for you but mommy isn't here so.. care for yourselves." I shrugged

I loved to show some attitude but I forgot, don't mess with these. "Right okay I will see you guys in 3 hours to discuss our next plan."

I walked off fast still in pain I dressed up into something casual I had these super pretty red dunks Jordans and my favorite sports pants in the same red, I put on a white T-shirt and blow-dried my hair. I still had an hour left so I went towards the balcony, I needed a cigarette.

On the balcony soap was also there "Soap, my favorite person. Finally, someone fun to talk to!" He turned around and smiled

"You can just call me Johnny, Kymera." I nodded "You want a cigarette?" he made a gesture to give me one and so I lighted my one and his

I looked at this view and just admired it "You know Johnny, I never thought you were a person to join this type of job."

he chuckled "I can say the same about you Kymera." I looked his way "Oh?! so you see me as a 9 to 5 person?"

He wanted to say something until his speaker went off "soap, meet us in the meeting room." I sighed "Well, seems we need to discuss our next plan, could you help me walk? the pain is coming back."

a ghosts task, SIMON RILEY X OCWhere stories live. Discover now