Heart Full of Iron (Riri Williams, aka Ironheart)

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"We need to find Thor and Spider-Man before Danvers does" Riri William, also known as Ironheart, heard her mentor say, her helmet covering her face. Her armor really needed an upgrade from the one she currently had, facing against heavy hitters was making her armor malfunction slightly. But she could still manage, she would not be able to be a hero if she was not able to push herself further.

She glanced at her friend, the group which were commonly called 'Champions'. She didn't like the name, but she didn't hate it either. It was an upgrade from the name 'Avengers', that sounded like they were trying to get revenge over something. But she was not responsible for naming the teams, so she didn't really care much.

But her mind came back once again to what they had to avoid. And it was to avoid Carol Danvers gaining the favor of Thor and Spider-Man. If she asked anyone, they would prefer to gain Thor on their side first instead of Spider-Man. But she knew better, knew of the connection that Spider-Man had to Parker Industries. And being able to get the technological advances that Parker Industries had, it would boost their power and be able to take on Danvers even more swiftly.

"Ms. Marvel..." Riri raised a brow just when her mentor directed his voice towards the mentee of Carol Danvers. She half expected him to tell her what to do to help, not the new Ms. Marvel. "You're pals with Spidey, right?" Riri had to roll her eyes at that, knowing full well that Spider-Man was friends with every single one of the people in this meeting. Which made his statement sound like bullshit. "Can you get Spider-Man for us?"

"Of co-"

"I can get him" Riri interrupted, stepping forward and looking at her mentor through her helmet. It automatically lifted, letting everyone see her face as she stared directly into Tony's eyes. "If my guess is correct, it would be easier if I go and get him" She still has not forgotten the fact that apparently Spider-Man had signed a contract with Parker Industries. And she would lie if she didn't want to go to Parker Industries. Apparently it had more technological advances than Stark Industries. "Plus, he still owns me one favor"

She could feel every eye on her. She didn't flinch, her eyes keeping their focus on the Armored Avenger. She was lucky that she could be as stoic as ever, because she was feeling a drop of sweat dripping down her neck. The silence bothered her a bit, but she didn't make any sort of movement to prove that it was unnerving her. She just stayed still, looking at Ironman with determination to do her self appointed mission. She knew that they needed help, and she knew that Spider-Man was a hero that most would follow just because he chose a side.

"Alright then" She smirked, hearing the reply from the older man in front of her. He was looking at her with a calculated stare, one she knew what it was trying to say. She had to do everything in her power to bring Spider-Man to their side. She knew what she had to do, but the problem lied on whether her idea would bring merit at all. For all she knew, her idea would be pointless if the CEO of Parker Industries does not have a way of contacting Spider-Man. Which hopefully he still had such ways of getting the arachnid hero. "Ironheart, you know what to do"

"Leave it to me" She smirked, walking to the exit as her helmet closed. She could even see the slightly unnoticeable glare that her friend, Kamala Khan, was sending her. She really didn't care about it, she just needed this pointless war between heroes to finally end once and for all.

Time Skip

"So... Can I ask once more why I am tied to your back?" She scoffed lightly, her eyes looking to the front as she soared through the skies. She had Spider-Man on her back, all thanks to her magnificent plan to head towards Parker Industries. Though it was a slight hassle to convince the CEO of actually contacting the hero. "Because from all I know, Stark only wants me out of the way so that he can gain access to Mr. Parker's resources and-"

"Can you zip it for a moment?" She tried not to sound annoyed, but the arachnid was making it very difficult for her. Her mind went to the time he had asked her for her autograph, something that still made her flush a tad. A famous hero asking her for an autograph, it was surreal. But it was the world they lived in. "I just want to finish this so I can go and rest"

"Aw~ Growing tired of me already?" She rolled her eyes, though she had a smile on her face. She didn't answer him, which made the hero just quiet down. She had to give it to him, the man knew just how to male people feel at ease with him.

"Thank... For agreeing to come with me" She whispered, her voice not rising above the norm. But even then, she knew that he had heard her. The soft hum that immediately came after her words was enough confirmation. "It means a lot..."

"Please, don't... I am always ready to help young heroes like you" The way he talked to her, it was all she had ever wanted. She wanted to escape from the shadow that Ironman had put in front of her. She wanted to be recognized as her own hero and not just the mentee of Tony Stark. Spider-Man already could see that she was her own hero, and that made her happy. "Plus, I am kinda indebted to you... You know... for-

"Consider it paid" She replied, a smile over her face. She was thankful that she had her mask and it was hiding all of her expressions. She just knew that the arachnid would make fun of her if he knew how she was reacting to his words. "But if you really want to pay that debt off, take me on a date after all this shit"

"Sure... Is not like I'll have anything to do after this is all over" Riri would deny it for her entire life, but it has been this moment that she felt her cheeks heating up. She perfectly knew that it was because of the sudden plan of a date between the two, but she would not back down. And it was not like she wanted to anyways.

Time Skip

"Granny... Can you tell me more about Grandpa?" Riri Parker Williams, smiled softly. Her previous silky black hair was now completely white, the years getting to her faster than she thought they would. Her eyes were staring at her beautiful grand-daughter, Ashley Barton.

She had to admit, finding out that her youngest daughter had gotten with Hawkeye made her go ballistic. She almost killed the man, and it was only thanks to some of the Thunderbolts that the asshole was still alive. She could still remember the laughs of Beetle as she punched Clint Barton's face into the pavement.

"Of course, sweety" Her voice had drastically changed as well. Her almost monotone voice from the past had become a sweet and almost gentle voice. She had gone up and down for her family, no one could question that. She just hoped that she could have more time with him. "Your grandpa was an amazing hero. But before he became a hero, he was simply known as Peter Parker"

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