Learning To Love

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Troye's POV

May 2030

I cry running into the bathroom.

Joe is sleeping with Wren.

I search and search but I can't find it.

My phone goes off again and again

@troyler5ever: RIP Tyler gone but never forgotten, 8 years, we all miss you

I start throwing things, where is it?

I search for what seems like hours, until I see it a little silver box

I pick it up, openend it and slipped the ring on my finger

It felt so good

I put my hand over my heart

"Tyler I miss you, god do I miss you. I hear you and see you everywhere in the trees in the way that Wren laughs, in me. I go crazy sometimes, just with little things like thinking I see you in a store or sometimes I wake up and I forget and go into the kitchen exspecting you to be there with our usual Nutella pancakes. but your never there and you never will be. Me and Joe are happy, he's so good to Wren and I know thats what you wanted I know. Zoe is doing good, Tyler when I see her daughter Tilly, all I can think about is you and how much you would love her... But I just wanted to say thank you for helping me and loving me and for teaching me what is right and wrong and for bringing that shy little twink out of his shell-"

I felt a cloud like breeze over my hand and I knew it was him

"And most importantly Tyler, my dear... for helping me learn to love.


If you guys couldn't guess that was the last chapter! Thanks to all of you for reading and supporting me though this crazy thing I call My Story. I hope everyone enjoyed my fan fiction but I am going to stop writing. I am going out with a bang and I hope that one day every single one of you will find that person that helps you Learn To Love.


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