We Lost Him

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Troye's POV

I felt everything stop

my breathing

my movement

my tears

my uncontrollable shaking

everything went numb

I am guessing Lucy knew of what kind of reaction I would have so she rushed out and back in bringing me a oxygen mask.

"We lost him, but here and try to stay calm Troye" She whispered to me rubbing my head.

"He's dead, he's dead, he's dead, he's dead, he's dead." Is all I could say, no tears, no shaking just "He's dead."

"NURSE LUCY, WE NEED BACKUP NOW!" I heard a doctor yell as Lucy rushed out the door.

And that was it, my blue eyes boy...gone.

No more laughs, no more fun hair colour changes, no more videos, no more collabs, no more panels, no more best friend, no more Troyler.

That's when my expected reaction started kicking in, the sobbing, shaking, and uncontrollable panting, I am having some kind of panic attack.

I hit the button for the nurse hoping it would be Lucy... it wasn't.

Some bitch named Kelsey came in "Oh your the one that's ummm partner died." it started getting worse.

She gave me a sedative and left, but with all the adrenaline in my veins it sure as hell did not work.

Minutes that felt like hours passed, when Lucy came back in, me still crying.

A smile spread across her cheeks "Troye, Tyler is okay, he died for 7 minutes and then somehow pulled himself out of it, we managed to finish the surgery with full success."

I was now crying again but now it was tears of relief.

I pulled Lucy in for a tight hug "THANK YOU, THANK YOU SO MUCH."

"Your welcome Troye, but you need to know this, Tyler is not going to heal fast, the wood punctured his spinal tissue and he is going to need major help, weekly physiotherapy and he is going to be in a wheel chair for a good 2 months."

I nodded understanding, I was not going back to Australia for anything, in the morning I am going to apply for a one year visa, I am going to stay by Tyler's side no matter what

"He will be out for 1-3 days we really don't know, the worse possible situation is that he slips into a coma, but that now is not the case, you are welcome to go see him after we get you stitched up." Lucy said to me

I looked down and around noticing that Greg had done a hella alot of damage

"OMG Where is that son of a bitch Greg at?" I almost yelled

"He has woken and will be escorted to LA Penitentiary, for a one year sentence"

After I knew that, I didn't care about my heath or emotional state, All I cared about was that Tilly was alive and I am going to do EVERYTHING in my power to make sure that the love of my life is better.


DID YOU REALLY THINK I WAS GOING TO LET TYLER DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I am so sorry for the intense chapter, I have just finished watching The Walking Dead and I am still emotionally unstable, WHAT I WANNA KNOW IS HOW THE FUCKING FAKE ASS SCIENTIST IS ALIVE AND BETH JUST DIED!!!!!!!!! I am so off topic sorry but anyway hope you liked this chapter!



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