I Know Your Gay

653 26 17

Troye's POV

We got to the club at around 9:00 and Tyler went straight to the bar and got a Whisky Sour for himself and a Bud Light Lime for me.

We were with a whole bunch for people, Zalfie, Marcus and Nimoi, Janya, Caspar, Joe, Korey, Shane, Lisa, Joey, and or corse The Holy Trinity because they were all in town for Vidcon.

Vidcon was not starting for 3 more days, so most of us were ready to get hella wasted.

Before I knew it I was dancing with Tyler and already feeling a little tipsy.

"More drinks Troye boy?" Tyler asked with his words already starting to slur together, he was blurry but not yet fully drunk.

"I think thats enough Tilly"

"Okay, okay Troye" he replied back to me quite shyly.

"UM I am going to go and sit down and order a water, you wanna come?" I said hoping he would say no so I could have so time to think over my plan, why do I ask these things if I always want the opposite answer?

"UMM actually as much I would love to, need to go talk to Shane, he wants me to play the geek in his next music video" Tyler said with a grin.

"kay that's fine, hopefully you won't go though Troye with drawls when your gone" I added with my signature wink before Tyler went off to find Shane.

I went and sat down at the bar and ordered a lemonade because I wanted something more sweet, just in case Tyler decided to taste the inside of my mouth later.

I was about half way done with my lemonade when I noticed a cute looking boy, that looked alot like Marcus (same body type and all) and he was staring at me with what looked like lust in his eyes.

Just then he spoke "Hi my name is Greg, would you like to dance pretty boy" he said before toughing my lips with his finger.

I turned around to see where Tyler was and if he was watching.

When I turned back around Greg jumped, which I thought was strange, so I decided to make up an excuse.

"UMM, I am flattered but I am not a homosexual." I said trying to sound more forgin and preppy as cleaned off the rest of my drink.

"Come on Troye, We both know by your coming out video, published on August 7th 2013 in your Perth homes guest bedroom that you are obviously gay, you were wearing your gray shirt with tribal print on it, purchased from American Apparel, that you were also wearing on all of the Spud 3 posters. Paired with your black and gray sweatshirt, or jumper as you would call it, trust me Troye Sivan Mellet, Born June 5th 1995 in Johannesburg South Africa, I very well know that you are gay."

I tried to speak, but I felt my whole body getting limp, I tried to scream for Tyler as Greg picked me up and carried me out to his car, but I could not form any words, then everything went black.

What I didn't know was that while I checked the dance floor when Greg first spoke to me, he slipped a drug in my lemonade.


Thanks again for reading guys, and a special thansk to xTroyeSivanOakleyx for all the support. I know that the title says trigger warning and where I now want to go with this story does not involve Troye self harming. So I edited it out. I might come up again later but it just depends where I want my story to go.




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