Im Ready

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Troye's POV (yah)

I ran and hugged both Zoe and Alfie.

"Guys that is so amazing, congratulations."

Tyler quickly did the same and we went on for a bit about names, due dates and just details

"Whens the due date?" I said

"December 25th" Zoe said

"CHRISTMAS!" Me and Tyler shouted at the same time.

"Okay names miss." Tyler said

She giggled

"If they are a girl we were thinking Tilly." Zoe said

Tyler's mouth dropped "OMG GUYS."

"If it is a boy we were thinking Joesph Mellet Deyes." Alfie continued

"It is still early though." Zoe replied.

Me and Tyler were both teary eyed.

Just to know that you have made such an impact in someones life that they are willing to name their first child after you is amazing.

Before we knew it Zalfie was out the door and heading over to their hotel.

"Be right back Tilly." I said going off to the bathroom

Explaining that really made me think of how much Tyler has gone though just for me.

No sex, constant care, and just being tired.

I thought about how far I have come, emotionally since the accident.

Finally I thought about how much I loved Tyler.

I loved everything about that man.

Loud knocking brought me out of my thoughts.

"Troye are you okay, please open the door, baby you are okay." Tyler said.

I swung open the door and jumped into his arms.

"I love you so much Tyler."

"I love you too Troye, you know that." Tyler said with a kiss, while grabbing my ass.

He quickly put me down

"Sorry Troye, I was not thinking." Tyler said.

"That's what I was thinking about Tilly."

I took a breath

"I'm Ready."


So sorry for the long intermission, I don't have an excuse, just life is hell, smut in the next chapter

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