Catch a Cat by the Tail

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"I wonder what discoveries your friend will make in the near future," Rias posits as you recline on the decking at the back of your new mansion. A pair of cheap sun chairs were all you needed to relax and enjoy the nice weather. The sounds of drilling and hammering do put a damper on the experience somewhat.

"It'd be nice if we could expand the capacity of the Sledgehammer, or maybe even design a way for you to come and go as you please into our world."

"Our magic may be able to help. The Underworld is technically a different plane of existence. Transferring ourselves in and out is very important." Rias becomes more impatient by the second as she lays back with her legs crossed. It quickly reaches a boiling point and she shuffles over to the edge, bridging the gap between both chairs and clinging to your side.

"You've been very interested in touching me recently," you note. She immediately put herself between you and Venelana during your walk. Though that wouldn't have happened had she not ceded the position out of respect. It's not a problem per say. You will never complain about having such a gorgeous girl clinging to you.

Rias pouts and looks away, "I may put on a confident demeanour around my precious subordinates, but even an icy girl like myself wants to be held from time to time." You reach out and wrap your arm around her waist, pulling her close onto your chest.

"Speaking of subordinates, how has Asia been?"

"She's adjusting well. She is honestly the last girl I expected to fit into a devil's peerage, but she never lets the changes in her life shake her resolve. She's made many fast friends due to her sacred gear as well. Her bragging about the date we shared has caused some issues..."

"She bragged about that?"

Rias giggles, "Yes, very much so. Akeno, Koneko and Xenovia were very interested to hear how things went."

"Even Koneko?"

Rias set her brow and imitated Koneko's voice, "She 'wanted to make sure that you didn't do anything dirty' to her."

"I don't do anything like that on a first date."

"Oh? I do seem to recall that Akeno and I were granted the privilege of sleeping with you almost immediately."

"Hey, that was only because you two jumped on me like a pair of hungry lionesses. I want to make sure that everyone is comfortable with it before they do anything like that with me."

Rias is enjoying teasing you with that one. You've become acutely aware of the many conflicting interests that come about as a result of her personality. Headstrong and domineering, but needy and romantic; serious and stern but also a tease. That isn't anything special. You feel your own personality shifting when you're around people you are comfortable with. Seeing her in the flesh is enough to stun you into silence. Her vibrant red hair, the subtle gradient of her skin, and of course the immense curves of her body that could only occur as the result of devil magic. It's hard to believe that she's real, in your arms at this moment, and that she loves you unconditionally too.

"I think Asia would be more than happy to take your relationship to the next step," Rias says, "Even Koneko feels the same way."


"I know her better than anyone else. Koneko has always tried to hide her feelings. She thinks she's being smart when she asks us probing questions about you. She never left the room when we watched your television series together."

From your already learned knowledge about Koneko, there's a good reason for that. She doesn't want to cause damage using her immense powers. It's clear from her behaviour and Rias' statements that she has not yet learned to control them. Whether that will happen without your intervention remains to be seen. It's a matter of course that Koneko is also in love with you – Mitsuru dug for a DxD universe where every single woman (aside from Issei's newly created girlfriend, perhaps,) would drop everything just to be with you.

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