Fighting with Batgirl

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While you knew that Mitsuru had summoned Barbara earlier, you didn't expect her to head back, grab her gear and show up to the fight! She must have asked Mitsuru to return her to her own world so that she could get ready. While you're internally freaking out and getting to see Batgirl in the flesh, you're also starting to worry about what the Toxidroid is capable of. You have a rebreather in your suit, but the Deviluke sisters and Batgirl don't. If Faust demands it sprays dangerous chemicals everywhere, it could get into their lungs and eyes very easily.

But most irritating of all is that you've started to remember his name.

Barbara isn't deterred by the sight of the robot. With a deft sleight-of-hand, she reaches down to her belt and draws a trio of golden batarangs, throwing them in a fan-like pattern that makes dodging them almost impossible. The android tries its best to avoid taking damage, but it is a feeble effort in the face of her speedy throw. One of them embeds into its arm, before jolting the android with a burst of electricity from an internal mechanism.

With that, all hell breaks loose. There's no time to admire just how beautiful she is, because Faust is already descending upon you with the intent of burying his laser sword deep into your chest for real this time! His effort is warded away by a sudden barrage of red beams being fired from behind you, which glance off of his metallic armour and force him back through the air.

"I'll show you what happens when you kill these adorable plants and animals!" Momo roars, blasting away at him using the tip of her tail.

Nana eggs her on with venom in her voice, "That's right, show him who's boss!"

Their war nut of a father has taught them a thing or two about defending themselves, as Momo, Nana and Lala keep him at bay with their ranged attacks. You also know that they're pretty strong too! Not that Faust is going to get a chance to get close to them. You head over to where Barbara is fighting with the android, but you're intercepted as several goons leap out from the bushes and try to stop you.

One of the lower level robots is immediately taken out as a bola flies in from an unseen angle and almost rips its head off just from the force. It is forced down to the ground as the ball-covered rope wraps around its neck and drags it down. You draw your gun and start shooting, ripping open one of their chest panels and ripping apart the internal mechanisms in a violent spurt of robo-gore. Oil and sparks fly everywhere!

Barbara isn't fazed by the toughness of the alien alloy that the android is built from – she deals with supernatural threats and madmen on a near daily basis. She deflects a punch and grapples with the android's working arm, the joints inside groan in protest as she slowly begins to ratchet up the tension and break it. It gives way all at once, bending backwards with a loud screech of metal on metal.

From her position behind the robot, Barbara slaps a magnetic bomb to the back panel and delivers a roundhouse kick, tossing the android into the middle of a group of mooks. It explodes in a flash of orange light, destroying several of them all at once. Barbara leans back and avoids another attack from an unsighted opponent. She aims her left arm at the culprit and fires a grapple tether through its head – before shooting it upwards and around a nearby lamppost. The mechanism inside reels the robot up into the air, where it struggles and tries to escape.

But her explosive didn't destroy the more advanced Toxidroid. You're going to need some more firepower to break that thing into pieces. You crack another head with a stunning kick and move to join her.

"Nice of you to show up, Batgirl."

She chuckles, "Hey – you can't throw a party like this without inviting me. I headed back home and brought a few toys so we could play. These guys are some tough nuts to crack."

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