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When you return to the garage for a debrief with Mitsuru, you find her standing over her workbench with an action figure in hand. Between you using the new form for the first time and the ten-minute drive back – she has somehow managed to design and 3D print a prototype product to coincide with its debut. She hastily shoves the shameless merchandising into the drawer and snaps up to stare at you as you dismount the bike.

"Good work. I managed to gather some interesting data about the joint tolerances of our armour system."

"Didn't you say I'd snap in two like a twig if I went any harder than that?" you ask. Your whole body feels like it's been put through the wringer, and all you did was deflect one of Vali's attacks.

"Oh yes, that is a concern too. We cannot push the mantle any further without risking daage to your body – though at these output levels it would be a pulled muscle or dislocated bone, not a full-bore removal of one of your limbs."

"Well, I'd rather not have to experience that regardless."

"Asia can heal you. I think."

"Again, I'd rather not."

Mitsuru adjusts her glasses, "Naturally, there are limits to what the human body can withstand. The scale of the threat we face has expanded rapidly beyond our control. Especially considering that our new rival dived right in and summoned Vali Lucifer of all people. This is not a hurdle that can be surpassed with simple training."

"So what could make me stand toe-to-toe with him?"

"Supernatural power? Things that defy the laws of our own physical reality, whether that in itself comes through effort or outside manipulation is ultimately up to us. Rias still has some of her evil pieces, does she not?" Mitsuru is right. It seems that Rias has yet to recruit Rossweisse into her peerage. That means she has a spare rook that could theoretically be used on you.

You scratch the back of your head and sigh, "Feels like a big leap to take."

"The fate of the world is at stake! And what do you lose by becoming a devil anyway? I've never once known you go into a church."

"My humanity!"

Mitsuru shrugs, "Humanity stinks; we don't even get cool magical powers like they do. What's the downside, honestly? You could turn yourself into a devil and not a single soul would know about it unless you told them."

Mitsuru has always had a strained relationship with what most people consider normal. She's an anti-authoritarian at heart. You've seen her get hopping mad whenever you accidentally leave the news on and some politicians says something she doesn't like. She thinks that people should do whatever they want as long as it makes them happy. In this case – ending your life as a mortal human and becoming a devil.

"I don't know – it's just... I've spent my whole life being human. It feels weird to just dive headfirst into not being human when we've done just fine so far. Issei only turned into a devil after he got killed, and having an 'extra life' sounds pretty useful to me."

Mitsuru shakes her head, "Wouldn't it be safer to be strongest now than wait until a hypothetical defeat? What if Rias can't reach you in time? What if something terrible happens to your body and we can't revive you?"


That explains a lot. Mitsuru is honest but never directly. She's not as good at hiding it as she thinks. She's worried that something bad is going to happen to you, but even more then she's letting on with you right now. Lumping herself in with Rias and the others indicates that her feelings are stronger than she acknowledges. Sensing that she had left her heart on her sleeve, Mitsuru clams up and waves her hands; "N-Not like I'm your fiancé or anything! As a friend, I'm worried about you as a friend. And the fate of the world is at stake here! Something as nebulous and meaningless as 'humanity' is a small price to pay to succeed."

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