Chapter I

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Note: names of people and locales may or may not be borrowed from people I've met in the past. These names are the only thing that I am borrowing from them. A sort of homage to the person but not entirely the same person.

Another note: I wrote this on Word online. Formatting may look weird on the transition

Chapter I

San Luis; a quiet border town right at the very corner of Arizona. Despite it sharing a border with Mexico and being a major hub for agriculture work and its workers, this town is calm, despite its population of over 30k people and its much rowdier Mexican twin. You could spend days outside and barely see anyone walking the streets or driving by the neighborhoods. It certainly didn't help that most people stay indoors thanks to the sweltering heat of the Sonoran Desert.

Further into this town we can find the somewhat secluded and aptly named San Luis High School with its students leaving for the day. Among the large number of students on their way home, a lone boy can be seen watching the commotion from the sidelines.

???: YO! Alex!

He turns to find his friend, Elliot, waving at him as he walks towards him. Elliot was on the shorter side, light skin, wore glasses and had somewhat long dark brown wavy hair. Alex on the other hand was almost the opposite of him. He was a bit taller than average, tanned skin and dark brown frizzy hair (really, most people have dark brown hair, especially around here).

Elliot: What up bitch! Not heading home?

Alex shook his head and responded with a smirk on his face.

Alex: Not yet fucker. Waiting on some papers from the office. I think they're supposed to be receipt copies for some stuff the science club needed. Since one of my classes is with the teacher that runs the club, she asked me to swing by the office and turn these in.

Elliot: Gotcha, in that case I'll see you tomorrow. Way to hot today man.

Alex nodded and gestured goodbye to his friend. Despite being his senior, they somehow became fast friends.

A few minutes flew by and Alex finally got the copies for the papers he had been asked to give. It may have been only a few minutes but the school grounds emptied pretty quickly, especially on a Friday. Having a club to stick with made Alex feel a bit better about hanging around the place. He was only a few weeks into his freshman year and having the chance to wander around the school premises after school helped him get more acquainted with the place.

As he enters the building that has the classroom he is heading for, Alex is greeted by another friend, Richter. He is about the same height and skin tone as Alex and is also a freshman. However, the biggest difference between these two would be Richter's hair, being shoulder length, straight and naturally a dark red color.

Richter: Oh, didn't expect to see you here. You in a club?

Alex: Yeah, I am, though today isn't our usual meeting day. I was doing a quick errand for Ms. Garret.

Richter: Neato. Well, I was just on my way out of here, so I'll be seeing you later.

As Richter exited the building another voice called out to Alex. He turned to see Ms. Garret at the door of the classroom. She was an old short woman with a very short trim of hair and a pair of glasses sitting on a stern old face. She was definitely a strict teacher and was the kind of person that didn't give many cares to how people expect a teacher to be. Her also being a college teacher probably had something to do with this and how she treated the students. She was rough to slackers but a great teacher to those that are interested in her lectures.

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