Chapter VIII

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Chapter VIII

Monday turned to be a particularly windy day and clearly someone was not ready for it. As Alex walked into the school campus, he could see what looked like a whirlwind of papers in the distance. Clearly, Alex's complete focus was stolen by this windy phenomenon as one of those very papers flew right into his face. The wind kept the paper stuck to his face. Alex pulled the paper off his face and looked at what it was. "Arts and Science festival! Come and join in the fun! Games, Food, Presentations, and stalls with items that will be up for sale! The event will start at 5pm on Nov. 27" Festival? It looks like it landed on the last Friday of that month. "How could I forget? We've been preparing for that for months now." Alex thought to himself as he continued walking, carrying the flyer with him. "Looks like things are going to start getting busier.

Sure enough, come that week's science club meeting, Ms. Garret had everyone began working on making items to be put up for sale and to begin preparing experiments to showcase festival goers. Items such as necklaces and bolo ties using polished rocks, napkin holders made from mesquite wood, and other miscellaneous trinkets. At the same time, the club began brainstorming a couple of interesting experiments that they could show off. Chemical reactions and color changing flames were suggested, but the club ended up deciding to go with the suggestion of another science class teacher that sometimes joined in on the club's activities. Using a tube with holes in it, they would run gas through it and ignite it, making the flames spout from the holes on the tube, while on the other end of the tube would be a speaker linked to it. The music playing through that speaker would make the flames shift and change sizes, resembling audio equalizer bars.

For the next few weeks, the science club focused on their final preparations. Meanwhile, the Guardians Guild carried on with their usual duties.

Herrera: Before we all call it a day; I'd like to give you all this.

Mr. Herrera pulled out from his bag a handful of small books, one for each member of the team. The title "Guardian's Handbook: A Guide to our Supernatural dealings" was printed on the pocket-sized leather book.

Herrera: I had this book custom made. It contains info on the stuff that we have gone over; class types, Runes, shared abilities, as well as the recent addition of Geist typing. Give it a look. I on the other hand, need to get going. I've been busy these past few days with work stuff and have something guild related that I need to go check out.

Luis: Guild related?

Herrera: Yeah. I've been doing some research on the book my grandmother gave me as well as something else. Won't mention what that is however, as it may just end up being nothing.

With that being said, Mr. Herrera left the classroom and Alex and the rest of the group began reading the new batch of information in their newly acquired handbooks.

As of this book's current version, we have observed a number of different Geists; each differing in their appearance, power, or even intelligence. Below is a list of the Geist type tier list based on their strength and intelligence level.

Type 0

These Geists are small humanoid creatures. Their bodies appear to be made of some sort of dark blue and purple mist, similar to the color scheme of Malice energy. They are very weak, practically newborn but will still fight if threatened. May sometimes appear in groups. Starting from this point in their existence, the Geist will attempt to gather more Malice mindlessly.

Type 1

These Geists usually have the form of some sort of smaller animal, at least not larger than a large dog. These creatures have intelligence on par with said animals. They will actively hunt for sources of Malice as if it were their food source. Type 1 and onward have a parasite-like ability, enabling them to enter the body of a human, forcing negative emotions to surge forth from the host. Should the person continue to host the Geist within their body, the waves of negativity will continuously increase until the point where they may harm themselves and eventually make them want to take their own lives. It should be noted that it is possible to make a Geist exit the host body by either forcibly flushing it out with a wave of Anima, or by creating some sort of bait by using a similarly large amount of Anima. All Geists from this point have a similar feature: black eyes with light blue glowing irises.

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