Chapter Fourteen: Unforeseen Actions

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Dedicated to Sam♡

Ever since that night, I was a little more cautious around Sage. I made sure to tell him a few lies about where I was going cause I didn't trust him at all right now.

When I had to work, I was staring at the door a little too much. I knew he never came here and I never saw Raj here either but I was on high alert and my nerves were shot.

Renee asked me what was wrong cause I was anxious, but I shrugged and tried to work over my anxiety the best I could without drawing attention to myself.

But I was failing.

Something bad was about to happen and I could feel it in my stomach.

"Are you sure you're ok?"

"I'm fine."

"Want to eat lunch with me?" Renee asks.

I slightly nod as I ordered and walked over to the table as Renee was walking with me. I sat down as she sat down across from me and I looked towards the door before looking over at her.

"I'm considering leaving this place in two weeks."


"Cause the management and the people."

I nodded as I looked around. "But then I'll be here alone, dealing with it."

"You can leave with me. You're eighteen, right?"


"And you graduated high school?"


"So, we can move together and you can stay with me."

"That actually doesn't sound bad."

She smiles. "I'll have my kids with me."

"You're getting custody of them back?"

"Yeah." She smiles. "I can have them and we can move away and live a great life."

I wasn't that close to Renee but she was a good friend. I've known her since I started working here and she's been pretty cool, but the thought of moving with her just doesn't sound good.

As we kept talking, I look over towards the door as more people were coming in and I saw Aubrey walking in. I saw her take off her sunglasses as she walked to the counter and talked to the woman behind it.

I kept watching as she looks around before looking at me and I look towards Renee as she was talking to me.

"Ten more minutes and we go back to the shit show." She sighs.

As Renee was talking, my eyes kept shifting towards Aubrey. She was sitting at the counter, mainly with her back towards us but every once in a while she would turn to look around.

But she kept looking over at me.

After our lunch was over, I walked with Renee towards the counter and saw Aubrey watching me. I walked to the kitchen as Renee was doing the same thing before turning towards me.

"What's wrong?"


"You look a little nervous." She chuckles.

After calming myself down, I walked back out of the kitchen and tried not looking towards Aubrey. I knew she was watching me, but I kept my cool and walked around the counter to assist customers that were coming inside.

I couldn't understand why Aubrey was watching me all the time. I don't talk to her and we never really have a full conversation, but yet she's coming into my work and watching everything I do.

Then that day when she followed me outside and told me she was making sure nobody messed with me, made me a little more confused.

As I was assisting a customer, another one calls for me and I saw that it was the same men that come in here almost every week.

I faked a smile and walked to their table before stopping. "Yes?"

"Where's that date, sweetheart?"

"What date?"

All the men laugh.

The man who was talking to me, looks up and smiles at me. "When do you get off work?"

"I don't know." I said as they all looked at each other and smiled.

After a moment of standing there, the man reaches over and tries to touch me but I move back a little too fast and bumped into someone from behind.

"I'm so sorry-" I stopped when I saw Aubrey standing there and her hands were holding my arms. I look down at her hands before she moves me out of the way and I was now behind her.

Aubrey stands in front of the guys as they all look at her. I saw that man look up at her and smiles. "What's up, sweetheart?"

I was standing behind her, a little confused as to what she was doing but the next thing that happened completely caught me off guard.

Aubrey grabbed the glass cup that was on the table and smashed it against the table. I saw her hold the broken piece towards the man as he cowardly moved away and stared at her.

"Don't mess with her again."

Then I heard our manager come out and start yelling, telling Aubrey to leave and not come back. I saw Aubrey drop the glass and walk towards the front door before leaving.

I was in a state of confusion as I stood there, not knowing what to do until Renee came over and asked if I was ok.

"Yeah, I'm fine."

"Who was that woman?"

I didn't have an answer for her but we went back to work, even though I was constantly thinking about Aubrey.

When work was finally over, I sat in my car for a moment as I was beyond tired. I leaned my head back and sighed before starting the car and leaving, heading home.

As I pulled down my street, I thought about Sage and hoped he wouldn't be here. I didn't want to deal with him and the way he's been acting has me on high alert at the moment.

I kept thinking about that night when he was taking something out of his truck. I knew he always took things from his truck from wherever he goes but what Raj said made my stomach turn.

All night, I kept thinking about what Raj meant when he asked Sage, 'when are you going to do that?'. I couldn't understand what he meant but the way he said it made everything more weird.

Then there's Aubrey, another mystery that I have yet to figure out.

She came out of nowhere and threatened that man with a broken glass.

I was completely shocked.

Everything in my life never did make sense and this all is making it seem more that way.

When I pulled up, I didn't see any vehicles, which I was glad. I parked, got out and locked my doors before heading inside.

Once I was inside, I locked the door and walked upstairs to my room. I shut my door and looked around before grabbing some clothes to take a shower.

After my shower, I went back to my room and laid there. I stared at the ceiling and thought about Aubrey before turning on my side and staring at the window.

I closed my eyes after a moment, trying to get some sleep and finally drifting off to sleep after a few minutes.

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