Chapter Twenty Five: Blurred Vision

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I woke up from what felt like a nightmare, but my body refused to move.

I could hear noises but I couldn't move, so I laid there and listened to what I could hear but my eyes felt like they were glued shut.

"What happened?"

"How many times are you going to ask that?"

"Until you tell me."

The voices I heard were Aubrey's and Miss Madisons.

I wasn't sure where I was but my body felt paralyzed.

Noises were heard from around me and I heard walking as Miss Madison was asking Aubrey questions but she wasn't responding.

"What did you do?"

Aubrey sighs.

Then there was movement, indicating that I was laying on a bed.

"The family that mine were after all these years.. it's her."

"Kaden?" Miss Madison asked. I could hear the surprise in her voice. "How?"

"She's the daughter of Marcus Hart. My father's enemy that he's been looking for all these years." I heard her sigh. "I killed her brother."

If my body was able to move, I would jump out of this bed and run as fast as I could. I felt useless and paralyzed as I laid there, listening to them talk about my family.

"I found out shortly after she left that day. My friend called me and told me some information.. when he mentioned the last name.. I felt like I couldn't breathe and I went to come look for her but she left. I knew where she was at so I went there and she was terrified of me from what her brother told her I'm guessing. He had a gun pointed at me but I shot him first."

Her voice sounded so far off as I felt myself falling into a black hole before going unconcious.


My eyes opened up for the first time and my vision was blurry. I saw light coming from the window next to me then proceeded to look around, moving my eyes before trying to move my body next.

When my arm and legs moved, I sighed out before slowly turning myself over and looking around the room that I was in.

I couldn't recognize it.

Then I realized that I must be in Aubrey's room.

My eyes glanced around, trying to focus before my vision finally came through. I rubbed them a few times before slowly sitting up and looking around.

Aubrey wasn't in here and the door was shut.

I was confused and lost as I sat there, trying to remember what happened. I had a sickening feeling in my stomach before I moved the blanket from me and slowly pulled my legs off the bed.

Once my feet touched the carpet, I had a weird feeling run through my body. I stood up, gaining my balance before slowly walking around the bed.

I stopped when I started feeling dizzy before grabbing ahold of the dresser that was next to me. I looked over at it and saw red lines connecting to different pictures and maps.

It was taped on the mirror and I continued to look at it, not knowing what it was.

Then I remembered that Aubrey was part of a Mafia.

I was part of a Mafia family.

How was I unaware?

Why didn't anyone tell me?

It all makes sense now.

It was still terrifying to know all of this and that's why I needed to escape.

She's My Killer (girlxgirl) [Completed]Where stories live. Discover now