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Screaming could be heard from both ends of the red keep. Two babes were being born and the world truly was holding its breath now. A baby girl and her uncle were to be born if every thing went well and th egods were kind. First, the new prince was born Aemond Targaryan, second son of Alicent and Viserys. Soon after him and all the way across a castle was a darling girl born. The first child of Laenor and Rhaenyra. Her name was to be Visenya. She made not one peep when she was born thourghly scaring everyone in the room. Though after a deep check and many minutes in silence, there were told that nothing was wrong, she was just a quiet baby.  After accidently calling the midwife a cunt and almost breaking Laenor's hand, Rhaenyra had the worlds largest smile on her face.  Her first child was born and she never wanted her out of her arms.

She was even hesitant to hand her over to Laenor so that he could hold his daughter. Rhaenyra was a little sad amidst all of the joy, Daemon had just left with Caraxes to go back to Laena. Though she was happy that he came at all. She stood up and walked over to the massive water tub to wash her face off. She wanted to bring her daughter to meet her father, so she walked over to her husband and took her from him gently. She walked to the water and gently cleaned her off.  She wanted to was off some of the sweat and the tears off of her face.

"Are you sure that you should be walking right now. I mean you just had our daughter." Rhaenyra cut him off "I am taking her to see my father, you can come if you wish but you will not stop me." "Fine, I wont stop you, but atleast hold my arm." He pleaded her. She rolled her eyes but she agreed. As the two new parents walked down the halls to get to the kings room, the howling from Alicent had long stopped as well. When Laenor and Rhaenyra walked through the doors King Viserys had the largest smile on his face. Not only did he gain another son his first born just had her first born. "Ahh yes, please, bring the babe to me." Rhaenyra smiled and continued to walk to her father. "Her name will be Visenya. I already know she will be strong, and will make her relm proud." She said. Laenor didnt let his face show what he was thinking, but he loved the name, he just wished his wife would have asked him about it first.

"Visenya? I think that is a beautiful name for such a beautiful girl." Her king father proclaimed. A warm smile made it's way along everyone's faces. A soft cry was heard form the small princeling before Alicent gently placed him in his fathers arms right next to Visenya. Laenor moved to take the small girl from her grandsire's arms but the little prince grabbed the tiny hand of the baby next to him. A thick hush fell over everyone in the room as the baby neice and her uncle grasp at each others little fingers.  After the shock wore off there were plenty of 'awes' floating through the room.  After some visiting and passing around of the small babies, little Helena started to cry, so the babies were returned to their rightfull mothers. There were cries of protest when they tried to seperate the little babes. While there were being held by different people in the room there were always held together. Still holding hands the entire time.

Everyone in that room had a strong feeling that as they grew older they were only going to get closer. Visenya cried and whined the entire way back to Rhaenyra and Laenor's room. Only stopping since she was so tired. They had no idea that it was the same way for Aemond. Laenor held his daughter the entire night. Rhaenyra smiled as she watched him watch her. He treated her like she was the most fragile thing he has ever seen or held. In his eyes she was as fragile as silence. "Such nykeā byka mirre." [such a small thing.] He said. It was the last thing that she had heard before going to sleep for the night. She was fully exhausted from delivering her first baby.

In the morning she had founf her husband in the same position that he had last seen him. He was still awake, still curled over his baby girl. Still smiling down at her like she was the most precious thing ever in the world. She looked around the room now finding a beautiful dragon egg in her crib. "Syrax blessed us with an egg the night you blessed us with Visenya."  It was a solid white egg, smooth matte the entire way around. [not my art]

Rhaenyra picked it up and smiled

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Rhaenyra picked it up and smiled. She silently thanked Syrax for the egg and gently placed it bakc down in the dish that it was in. She walked over to where Laenor was and took her daughter out of his arms. "Go lay down, get some sleep, I got her." She gently told him. He nodded and went to sleep as soon as his head hit the pillow. She smiled at her daughter and started to feed her. But even with feeding her, her crying only continued. Rhaenerya was scared to say the least. Her first child wouldn't stop crying. Alicent had the same problem equally as scared but this was her third child. They met each other half way and as soon as they heard each other crying, they stopped. Alicent and Rhaenerya walked close enough that the babies could hold each others hands again and only then, is when their crying stopped.

This was something strange that would have been noted by any that had seen it but for the rest of their lives, Aemond and Visenya would never be seperate for very long at a time.

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