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The ride home was dreamy to say the least. The surge of raw emotions was driving both of us crazy and neither of us wanted to touch the ground again, but we both knew that we needed too. We would also have to try and sneak back into the castle since we were both supposed to be in bed. When Vhagars feet touched the ground the pair knew that if they got caught then they would be in a lot of trouble. So as they slowly climbed of the great beasts back and silently went back into the castle through the small near abandoned tunnel they had no idea that the rest of her brothers and cousins would be there waiting for them. "It's you!"  Rhaena said grimacing. "It's us." Aemond said with a soft smile.

Before I knew what was even happening everyone started to attack everyone. I stood in shock until my brothers ganged up on Aemond. I ran to pull my brothers off if him but when my brother pulled out a thin knife it was too late. I tried to grab the blade but it cut through my hand. Then I heard the most blood curdling scream, I looked back to find my uncle's eyes slashed and the knife my brother held even more bloodied. That's when I rushed over and held my uncle to me screaming at my brother "what have you done!!" That's when the guard found us and brought us to the main room.

After the septon closed the wound on my hand he started to work on Aemond's eye. Alicent asked if he would be able to see again to which he was told no. My parents have been sent for but they haven't gotten here yet. All the questions from my grandsire were drowned out. Lord Corlys and lady Rhaenys then they were followed by my mother and her uncle Daemon. She instantly ran to my brother asking what happened and then all hell broke loose.  When my grandsire yelled silence my mother and Queen Alicent began bucking for whose son(s) were really attacked. Of course Alicent didn't care that her insulting my brothers are the reason that Aemond lost his eye.

The mocking if my father was too much so I walked over to my mother, who saw my hand bandaged. She knew that Jace did it but I shook my head. He didn't do it on purpose. And I didn't fault him for it. Then all if the greens claimed my brothers legitimacy through their mother as my grandsire called an end to the infighting. That would have been the end until Alicent put in her claim. Claim for a justice that wasn't there. She called Ser Criston to take an eye of mine not my brothers but me. She wanted me to pay the price. When declined she took the matter into her own hands after her tounge was threatened to be cut out.

She stole the dagger from my grandsire when my mother's back was turned. I saw it all and went to block her. And I did just long enough on my own for my mother to come and help me. Though even when she got there something in me told me not to let go, so I stayed, helping my mother still the blade that the Mad Queen Alicent drew against us. "You've gone to far."  "I? What have I done but what was expected of me? Forever upholding the kingdom, the family, the law. While you flout all to do as you please. Where is duty? Where is sacrifice? It's trampled under your pretty foot again. And now you take my son's eye, and to even that you feel entitled. "  "Exhausting, wasn't it? Hiding beneath the cloak of your own righteousness. But now they see you as you are." My mother called back whispering her last statement to the queen show as still fighting against my mother and I.

That was the last straw for Alicent as she brought down the blade, cutting my mother's arm but I felt the smooth paper thin blade come down across my neck. My hands rushed up to I as my mother and I backed away. Everyone looking not at my mother, but me. As my scarlet blood of sea and fire flowed through the small gaps in my fingers. I turned to look at my mother, trying my hardest to call out to her. It only made the blood flow harder as my mother ran to my side. I turned to look not back at the Queen but to the prince who I had promised to spend the last breath I took with. Aemond called my name and fought to be by my side as I fell, his teary face was the last thing that I saw. Unknown to me, not only had I almost lost the ability for me to talk but faintly heard was the cry of my dragon. My eldest uncle's dragon began to claw out it's throat as well. In the same night I lost my speech and my beloved dragon.

When I awoke, it had been three days. My mother, it seemed, had never left my side. But when she grabbed my hand and told me that there was news of my dragon I knew it could not have been anything good. "He was killed the night you were attacked. His throat was torn out by Sunfyre. Your uncle's dragon. " My heart shattered. In a million pieces. "No." I tried to say, but it was much more of a squeak. " Oh my sweet daughter, what has she done to you." She cried and pulled me to her. I felt the tears fall from my eyes, and onto her shoulder as I gratefully accepted her affection. My brothers were next to come to see me. My brother Jace hesitant to come closer. "Co- huh- Come here." I said, taking my time. If I talk slow then it almost sounds normal. Almost.

He did so and I embraced both of them. "This, is not, your fault, Jacaerys." I told him as I wipped the tears from his cheeks. He nodded but he didn't look convinced. My father. He was the only one that I hadn't seen yet." Your uncle left you a note. He wanted to come and see you but his mother wouldn't allow it. Aemond not Aegon. " My mother said. I did my best to say thank you but I think I had talked to much and it again was a squeak sound. She nodded and handed me the letter.

"My dearest Visenya,
       I hate that I wasn't able to see you in person before I left and I hope you will forgive me for it but I hope that my mother didn't hurt you too much. I tried to run to your side, but I was held back. I wish for the best and I hope that we will be together soon. I saw your mother before I left and asked her to hand you this letter, if she did and you are reading this then I promise to you, no one will come before you. I promised you that when we're were together and now I say it again while we are apart.
            From your beloved, Aemond Targaryen.

I smiled brightly when I finished the note and set it asid, closing it again. "Well I knew that I was gonna have to tell you sooner rather than later but you need your rest. Sleep well my dove. " I smiled and nodded. " Where is father?" I asked her. The small smile that she had was gone. So was my father. " Is he dead or did he just leave for a while?" I asked one more time. When he didn't answer me I knew the answer. I had lost almost everything I had in three days. Three days, and everything was gone. I nodded and looked down at my hands. Without saying a word she walked over and gave me the necklace that he always wore. I said thank you and she nodded and kissed my head. When she left and shut the door, I laid back down, not really wanting to deal with anything right now. But the more I tried to forget the note, the more I kept reading it.  I need a dragon. And I think I know where exactly to find it. Though how I got there is another story.

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