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Aemond's beautiful, soft indigo eye met my bright lavender ones. A soft smile graced his features and I smiled back, instantly I felt a weight lift off of my heart. I read that somewhere. When two people are bound by blood like we were far distances could weigh down the heart, may even make them physically ill after long enough, so to say that there was a true weight now gone was not an exaggeration. My brothers walked swiftly out of the yard and back into the castle and instinctively I gently place my fingers along the cool metal of my necklace. Feeling the warm soft flesh of my neck was startling to say the least. That meant my scar was visible to any the looked to me, I took it off for flying since when I am up there I like feeling totally free, it lays carefully tucked into a bag that held clothes of mine where it is placed in my room. At the other end of the castle completely from where I am now. Soon after the initial shock I wore off I wrapped my hand around it entirely, that was until I felt a warm hand on my shoulder. I looked up to see my Uncle, a soft smile still in his face.

"You have no idea how much I have truly missed you, my queen. My niece, my life blood. " He said as he moved his other hand along my cheek. "Let me see, I love all of you, not matter the way you view yourself. " His hand moved from my cheek and down to the hand around my throat. His hand gentle as babies breath moved it from where it latched to cover the bright reddish purple line of healed skin. It started from the center of my neck on the left side, and ended under my collar bone on the right side. He gently traced the scar, not one second did his smile falter. He started to gently rub my cheek bone with his other hand. "Still as beautiful as the day you left. Nothing will ever change that." He said softly, his smile only getting wider. I met his gaze and smiled back up at him. "Do you really mean that?" I asked him slightly in disbelief. "Of course I mean it. Nothing will ever change the way I feel or see you. To me you are more perfect than the sea and the sun. I love with everything I have, and I cannot wait for the moment that I get to marry you. Scar or no scar you will always be the most beautiful thing I will ever see." His kind words brought tears to my eyes as he pulled me into his chest. Warm and firm, comforting. He gently kissed the top of my head before slightly pulling away. "Come, I think my sister will be delighted to see you again. I would say Aegon would as well but I assume he is already at least 8 cups deep and with some whore. The shame he brings to Helena and her children, it truly makes me ill. " He said a slight grimace to his features. " She had children? Oh how much I need to catch up with her. And you. So much as happened. " I smiled and took his arm. He led me to Helena and her children, we had the most wonderful time catching up. Talking about our lives and what had happened. Her children were the sweetest that I had ever met.

We just talked about our lives and what had happened since our time apart. I asked her what it was like being a mother and she told me all about the ups and downs. I would be lying if I said that the whole thought of being a mother didnt scare me. There is so much that you have to give up to be a mother. Even more for me its all the things that I love. Fighting, Dragonriding. None are things that you can do when you are a mother. Ill be a mother some day I know. But I want to live first. Rule a Kingdom, see the world on top my dragon. Flying Beside my husband. My uncle. The person I love more than anything. I am not ready for that just yet.

I enjoyed my time with my Aunt nonetheless. It was rare for her to be social. She was always made fun of or ignored. I always tried my best to pay attention to her if she was in the room with me. Sometimes it was hard to tell if she was in the same room. She was like a whisper. I guess that was something that we had in common. From very different reasons but still the same. Now I go unnoticed because I want to be. I could be known if thats what I wanted but its not. Its better to be the watcher than the watched. Most people think that my brother Jace will take the throne even though I am the oldest. Same thing with my mother and Uncle. They all think that he will take it since he is the first born male even though my grandfather already told the world he claimed my mother. I really think the only people that think that are the Hightowers. The hand of the king, the queen and her children.

Thats who believe that. Many people think its fine that my mother will take the throne. What I hate is all of this fighting through all of us. I wish there was a better way for us to end this. A way that would make both sides of this family stop fighting and be happy. I truly though dont think any of us are going to get throught this with a happy ending.

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